A.   Application: Prior to the filing of an application for approval of a preliminary plat, the subdivider shall submit a completed subdivision preapplication form as provided by the city and with up to eight (8) copies, as required by the administrator, of a sketch plan to the planning and zoning office. The sketch plan shall include the entire developmental scheme of the proposed subdivision, in schematic form, including the area proposed for immediate development in such a form and content as required by the commission, and shall include the following:
      1.   The general layout of streets, blocks and lots in sketch form.
      2.   The existing conditions and characteristics of the land adjacent to the proposed subdivision.
      3.   Areas set aside for schools, parks and other public facilities.
   B.   Fee: None required.
   C.   Preapplication Approval Procedure: The subdivider shall submit the preapplication and plans to the administrator. The administrator will schedule, within thirty (30) days, a meeting to review the application with the city superintendent and representatives of the city's street, sewer and electrical departments, local fire district or department, as well as any other applicable utility, agency or department. At the aforementioned meeting the subdivider shall present his preapplication and intent for review and comment by the administrator, city representatives and other agency representatives. The administrator and the other city and agency representatives will review the preapplication to determine its compliance with this title as well as the following concerns: (Ord. 2007-5, 4-11-2007)
      1.   The compliance of the proposed development with existing local or state policies, goals and objectives or development plans;
      2.   Determination if additional special permits or ordinances conflict such as rezoning, special development permit or variance that may be needed and the determination of the manner that such requirements can be combined into one permit;
      3.   Advise the applicant of any unique environmental or hazardous concerns that may be directly or indirectly associated with the subject property such as areas that have been designated by the state as areas of critical environmental concern, unique plant or animal life, floodplain, airport flight pattern and the like; and
      4.   Provide the subdivider with all necessary forms and checklists. (Ord. 347, 3-11-1987)