10-4-1: Definitions
10-4-2: Parking Zones, Signs And Curb Markings
10-4-3: Manner Of Parking
10-4-4: Loading Zones
10-4-5: Stopping, Standing Or Parking
10-4-6: Officers Authorized To Remove Illegally Stopped Vehicles
10-4-7: Restricted Parking Areas
10-4-8: Disabled Persons Parking
10-4-9: Parking Of Overweight Commercial Vehicles In Residential Districts Prohibited
10-4-10: Parking In City Parks
10-4-11: Temporary "No Parking" Zones; Barricades And Signs; Authority; Towing
10-4-12: Parking Tickets And Procedure; Fines
10-4-13: Removal Of Abandoned And Unlawfully Parked Vehicles
10-4-14: Parking For Certain Purposes Prohibited
Except for the following words or terms used in this title, which shall have the meaning herein ascribed to them, all words and phrases used in this title, shall be as defined in title 49, chapter 1, Idaho Code:
ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE: For the purposes of this chapter, the phrase "abandoned motor vehicle" shall mean any vehicle which is left, or which is parked upon any street, alley, public or private property for a period of seventy two (72) hours or longer within a residential district, or for a period of ninety six (96) hours or longer within any other part of the city, and the owner of such vehicle cannot be found, located or determined, or the owner of which refuses to remove such vehicle from such street, alley or public property upon notice, oral or written.
CAMPER: A separate vehicle designed for human habitation and which can be attached or detached from a motor vehicle.
COMMERCIAL VEHICLE: Every vehicle designed, maintained or used primarily for the transportation of property or persons for hire, compensation or profit.
DOUBLE PARKED: Stopped or parked on the roadway side of a vehicle which is stopped or parked in an officially designated parking space; or adjacent to the curb line of a street. The term "double parking" also describes parking over the lines of any designated parking space, whether such space is separating two (2) designated parking spaces or not.
ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: Any police officer or city employee assigned the responsibility of enforcing parking regulations.
LOADING ZONE: A space or section of a street which has been set aside for the exclusive purpose of loading and unloading of persons, supplies and/or merchandise. Such zone shall be marked by the appropriate signage, curb markings, or diagonal street striping.
MOTOR HOME: A self-contained vehicle, designed for human habitation, with its own motor power, and with a passageway from the body of the home to the driver's and front passenger's seat.
PARKING SPACES (ACCESSIBLE): Accessible parking spaces shall include the width required for the parking stall and the required parking access aisles. Parking access aisles shall be part of an accessible route to the building or facility entrance. Parked vehicles shall not reduce the clear width of an accessible route.
TRAILER: A vehicle without motor power designed for carrying persons or property on its own structure and to be drawn by a vehicle with motor power. The term trailer shall include trailer coach, boat trailer, semitrailer, travel trailer or utility trailer.
VEHICLE: Every vehicle which is self-propelled but not operated upon rails, except vehicles moved solely by human power. (Ord. 575, 4-27-2015)
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