A.   Notice Of Sale: At any time after any horse, mule, any kind of cattle, hog or any stock animal shall have been impounded, and after notification of the brand inspector, the animal shelter shall give notice of sale by posting a notice at the shelter, describing the animal impounded, and notifying the owner by certified or registered mail, if the owner is known, to pay the charges thereon and remove same prior to the time fixed for sale thereof; and that, otherwise, the animal will be sold at public sale at a time and place named in said notice, which time shall not be less than fifteen (15) days from the date of the posting of such notices.
   B.   Revenue From Sale: In case any animal sold pursuant to the provisions of this chapter be sold for more than is sufficient to pay the fees and charges aforesaid, such excess shall be deposited with the animal shelter who shall pay such excess to the owner of such animal or animals or to the person entitled to possession of the same upon claim and proper proof of ownership within six (6) months from date of said sale. If, after six (6) months, such excess is not claimed, the excess fees shall be disposed of in accordance with Idaho Code section 25-2312. (Ord. 558, 12-14-2009)