A.   Separate Connections Required: Each separate building shall be connected with the water main through a city water service line, which includes a meter. The city's portion of the water service line ends at the meter. Subsequent to investigation by the city engineer, the city council may grant permission for a single meter to serve more than one water user. Upon granting of an exemption under this section, the base water rate shall be adjusted to reflect the number of water consumers on a single meter.
   B.   Application Required: Any person desiring or required to obtain a supply of water from the municipal water system shall first submit an application to the city for service and agree to be governed by such rules and regulations not inconsistent with this chapter as may be prescribed by the mayor and city council for control of the water supply. Only the benefiting property owner, or his duly authorized agent, may initiate water service, provided that a tenant or lessee may initiate service upon approval of the property owner. The procedure for initiating service, disconnecting service, billing of accounts and processing of delinquent accounts shall be in accordance with policies established by resolution approved by the city council.
   C.   Contents Of Application: Each applicant for water service shall sign an application for the service desired.
      1.   New Construction: The applicant must state the location, type of building and uses therein, and fully and truly state the purpose for which the water is to be used, and shall furnish a set of floor plans showing all water uses and a site plan if the water is to be used for irrigation. The applicant may indicate a preferred location for the water meter vault location on the property. If the application is granted, the public works supervisor may authorize the extension, at the expense of the applicant, and at no expense to the city, the service pipe and meter vault, meter valve setter, lid curb stop and any other fittings that are necessary to install service at the point most convenient to the city for supplying the applicant.
      2.   Existing Water Service: In the case of an existing water service connection, if the real property or improvement is sold or otherwise transferred, the property owner shall make application to the municipal billing department to transfer the account, and shall supply the city clerk with all information requested by the city.
   D.   Meters Property Of The City: All meters shall be and remain the property of the city.
   E.   Private Water Service Line: All materials and workmanship used in the installation of private water service lines shall conform to city specifications and codes. The furnishing of all labor and materials shall be the sole responsibility of the owner.
   F.   Private Fire Service Connection: The installation of a private fire service connection shall comply in all respects to the requirements for a city water service line, and the owner or his agent will be required to pay for all costs for connection and extension of the facility from the city water main.
   G.   Construction Methods And Materials: The materials and methods used for construction of city water service lines, private water service lines, water mains or water system appurtenances shall conform to the requirements of all codes and specifications as may be adopted by the city council. The city may reject any materials or workmanship for cause, and upon such order, the rejected materials shall be removed and replaced with approved material.
   H.   Permit Requirements: No connections to a city domestic water supply main shall be made without a permit being issued and twenty four (24) hours' notice having been given to the public works supervisor and the fee charged by the city for such connection as set forth herein shall be paid at the time of application. (Ord. 574, 3-9-2015)