A.   Connection To City Water System: The owner of any house, building or property used for residential, commercial, industrial, governmental or recreational use, or any other purpose, situated within the city which is abutting on or having a permanent right of access to any street, alley, easement or right of way in which there is located a city water line is hereby required at his expense to connect such building directly with the municipal water system in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, within one hundred eighty (180) days after the date of official notice from the city to do so; provided, however, that said city water is within three hundred feet (300') of any property line where said building to be served is located.
   B.   Disconnection Of Private System Required: At such time as the municipal water system becomes available to the property served by an existing private water system, and the owner or tenant connects his property to the municipal water system as required, it is mandatory that the private water supply is not connected or cross connected in any way to the water lines served by the municipal water system. The disconnection of the private water supply line shall be inspected and approved by the public works supervisor.
   C.   Connection To City Water System Outside City Limits: All extensions of water service outside the city limits shall first be approved by the city council before service may be made. Said extensions of service shall be granted only when in the best interest of the city. The extension of service made outside the city limits is a privilege and not a right.
      1.   In determining whether to allow an extension of water service, all of the following criteria shall be considered:
         a.   Whether water connection fees in place at the time the city council approves the application for service will be paid.
         b.   Whether connection would create an adverse impact upon existing water system facilities and/or create economic burdens for future operation and maintenance of the water system.
         c.   Whether the connection will be economically feasible. Water mains shall be adequately sized for future growth, as determined by the city engineer.
         d.   Whether the water system has adequate capacity to serve existing development and the proposed development for which the extension is requested and all probable development within the city and between the city and the proposed development outside the city limits.
      2.   In the event the city council grants the application for extension of water service, it shall include as a condition that the legal owner(s) of the parcel(s) consent to the annexation of the parcel(s) serviced; such agreement shall be written and recorded. The city council may also impose such other conditions of granting the application as are reasonable to assure that the proprietary funds of the municipal water system are not used for the extension and/or enlargement of the system.
      3.   The property owner(s) of the parcel(s) receiving water service is a user and subject to this chapter and all rules and regulations promulgated by the city. (Ord. 574, 3-9-2015)