Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of terms used in this chapter are set forth below. The city's reasonable interpretation of the following terms and the municipal water system ordinance is controlling.
   AUTHORIZED WATER USER: Any person making authorized and proper use of the municipal water system and/or the water delivered thereby and who has made application for water service and such application has been granted and has paid for such service, water and all fees required. An authorized water user may be an owner, tenant by lease or rental, a developer, or similar agent.
   CITY: The city of Parma, Idaho.
   CITY WATER SYSTEM OR MUNICIPAL WATER SYSTEM (A.K.A. WATER SYSTEM): All components and facilities of the city's public water system, including, but not limited to, its real property and easements, water source, water storage facilities, booster pump stations and distribution system up to and including the individual meter, and related infrastructure and equipment that are owned, operated and/or maintained by the city.
   CONNECTION: Each structure, facility, or single-family residence which is connected to the water system, and which is or could be used for domestic, commercial, agricultural or industrial purposes, is considered a single connection.
   CONNECTION FEE: A fee calculated and based upon a formula, including, but not limited to, the replacement value of water system infrastructure, the system capacity, cost to deliver service, well and storage capacity, other parts of the water infrastructure and bond indebtedness, governmental regulatory compliance fees, and required for each equivalent dwelling unit. Such fee is set from time to time by resolution of the city council.
   CROSS CONNECTION: Any physical arrangement whereby a public water supply is actually connected or potentially can be connected with any other water supply system, sewer, drain, conduit, pool, storage reservoir, plumbing fixture, or other device which contains or may contain contaminated water, sewage, or other waste or liquids of unknown or unsafe quality which may be capable of introducing contamination to the public water supply as a result of backflow.
   DEQ: The state of Idaho department of environmental quality ("DEQ").
   DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: The collection of water mains, or a part of the capacity thereof, designed or used to distribute water for fire protection and domestic use within a given territory served by the city.
   ISPWC: "Idaho Standards For Public Works Construction".
   MASTER WATER OR FACILITY PLAN: A plan that describes the overall water system, which may include a comprehensive planning document describing existing infrastructure, defining service areas and future infrastructure and service areas of the system, including upgrades and additions thereto and in conformance with applicable local, state and federal law. A facility plan shall be prepared by or under the supervision of an Idaho licensed professional engineer and shall bear the imprint of the engineer's seal and approval by DEQ.
   MULTIPLE BUILDING DEVELOPMENT: Includes, but is not limited to, various types of developments which have common or joint ownership areas such as apartments, condominiums, townhomes, mobile home parks or courts, shopping centers, professional offices, multiple uses and/or strip malls.
   OFF SITE WATER FACILITY: Any water system facility (including, but not limited to, main lines, wells, storage tanks, booster pump stations, pressure reducing valves, and related facilities) located beyond the boundary of a development which does or has the capability of expanding water service beyond the boundary of the development, excluding facilities located within existing roadways adjacent to the new development boundary unless such facilities are approved by the city specifically to serve adjoining property.
   OVERSIZED MAIN: Any water main which has an inside diameter greater than eight inches (8") and is required to have a larger inside diameter than is necessary, based on the estimated flow of the service area for which the main is being installed. The requirement for oversized lines shall be based on the city's master water plan and/or recommendations of the city engineer.
   OWNER: Refers to the owner of the real property connected to or which desires connection to the municipal water system.
   PERSON: A human being, municipality, or other governmental or political subdivision or other public agency, or public or private corporation, any partnership, firm, association, society, or other organization, any receiver, trustee, assignee, agent or other legal representative of the foregoing or other legal entity.
   PRIVATE FIRE SERVICE CONNECTION: A separate and independent connection to the municipal water main connected to a fire hydrant, fire suppression system or fire control device that has been, or is to be, installed in any building solely for the purpose of fire suppression or fire control.
   PRIVATE WATER SERVICE LINE: The individual water service line, whether privately or publicly owned by a person other than the city that is installed past the water meter setter and serves an authorized water user.
   PROPERTY: Refers to all property, whether privately or publicly owned, within the service limits of the municipal water system excluding therefrom lands that have been dedicated for public street or highway rights of way.
   SWDH: Southwest district health.
   SERVICE AREA: The area served by the municipal water system, including all property within three hundred feet (300') of a system water main which has water service available from the system.
   SERVICE CONNECTION: The point of connection of a noncity owned water service line to the city's water supply facilities, typically from the meter to the property.
   SUPPLY MAIN: A water main or a part of the capacity thereof designed or used for the purpose of transporting water to a distribution main.
   UNAUTHORIZED WATER USER: Any person who makes any unauthorized or illegal use of the municipal water system or the water delivered thereby, or who causes damage or injury to said system in any fashion.
   UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE: The most currently adopted edition of the uniform plumbing code by the state of Idaho.
   UNIT OF SERVICE: The incremental unit of measure used to calculate water usage for assessing the water use fee on the monthly billing statement, set at one thousand (1,000) gallons.
   USER: See definition of Authorized Water User.
   VOLUMETRIC RATE: The fee set to cover variable operations and maintenance expenses related to producing and delivering a quantity of water through the system for use or consumption.
   WATER MAIN: The principal pipe or conduit laid in a street or right of way through which water is transported or distributed by the city.
   WATER METER SETTER: The meter setter (yoke) and primary water shutoff valve assembly for mounting the water meter within the water meter vault.
   WATER METER VAULT: The in ground structure with removable surface lid to protect and house the water meter setter and water meter. (Ord. 574, 3-9-2015)