6-7-1: Waivers
6-7-2: Amendments
6-7-1: WAIVERS:
   A.   Justification: Where the planning commission finds that compliance with this title would cause unusual hardship because of exceptional and unique conditions of topography, access, location, shape, size, drainage or other physical features of the site, the minimum requirements of this title may be modified to mitigate the hardship, provided that the development is in keeping with the purposes of this title. No such modifications may be granted if it would have the effect of nullifying the purpose of the zoning regulations of the city, the comprehensive plan or this title.
   B.   Economic Gain Alone Not Sufficient: The fact that an owner could realize a greater financial return from his property by subdividing said property contrary to these regulations is not a sufficient reason for hardship. Hardship cannot be proved where it can be shown that property was purchased with the knowledge of existing restrictions, nor can hardship be claimed in terms of prospective sales or potential customers. (Ord. 541, 2-26-2007)