6-1-5: FEES:
In the application of the fee structure, the following rules shall apply:
   A.   Fees Established: Fees shall be as established by resolution of the city council and shall be reasonably related to costs incurred by the city to comply with its legal duties, including pertinent engineering, legal, planning, and other professional service fees. Fees shall be paid before the city accepts an application to which the fee applies. Engineering, legal, planning, and other professional fees applicable to an application in process shall be invoiced through the city to the applicant and paid by deduction from the applicant's credit balance. If applicant's credit balance is exhausted, applicant shall immediately pay a revised estimate of the remaining expected fees upon request by the city.
   B.   Waivers: City may waive in whole or in part any fee when such a fee would present a hardship. An applicant for a hardship waiver must present a request in writing to the city council, detailing the hardship and, upon finding that good cause exists to waive the fee, the council may decide to waive the fee.
   C.   Guarantees: The applicant shall guarantee all improvements within the public right of way and any other public dedication for a one year period following the date of final inspection and acceptance by the city. Any defects, repairs or maintenance during the one year guarantee period due to faulty workmanship or materials shall be corrected at the applicant's expense.
   D.   Fees Applicable To Developments Outside City: Filing and processing fees for any subdivision outside the city limits but within the area of impact shall be paid prior to city officials signing the plat. (Ord. 541, 2-26-2007)