This chapter applies to Parma's gateway streets, Grove Avenue and Roswell Boulevard. Grove is considered a gateway street at all places within the corporate city limits as now existing or as may be hereafter adjusted. Roswell is considered a gateway street from the point where it enters city limits as now existing or as may be hereafter adjusted, northerly to the intersection with Grove, though, as set forth more fully in section 5-9-3 of this chapter, that portion of Roswell lying south of the train tracks shall be treated distinctly from the portion lying north of the train tracks. This chapter also applies to any real property contiguous to a gateway street which shall be hereinafter referred to as a "contiguous property". Gateway streets are some of the most heavily traveled thoroughfares in the city and transport most of the commerce in and out of the city. They also provide visitors with their primary physical impression of Parma and access to the majority of Parma's businesses. It is essential to the public health, safety and welfare that any use or new construction along gateway streets complies with the provisions of this title generally and this chapter in particular. (Ord. 551, 2-9-2009)