A.   Fences, walls and hedges are permitted in residential zones in any required yard or along the edge of any yard to a height of eight feet (8'); provided, that no fence, wall or hedge along the sides or front edge of any front yard shall be over four feet (4') in height.
   B.   On a corner lot in any residential district, nothing shall be erected, placed, planted or allowed to grow in any such manner as to materially impede vision between a height of three feet (3') and ten feet (10') above the centerline grades of intersecting streets bounded by the property lines of such corner lots on a line joining points along said property lines for thirty feet (30'). Any corner lot on intersections with state maintained highways or intersections with railroads shall comply with all requirements of state or federal law with respect to potential vision obstructions. (Ord. 549, 7-14-2008)