A.   Family daycare homes shall be an accessory use and home occupation in all residential districts.
   B.   Group daycare facilities and childcare centers shall be a conditional use, requiring a conditional use permit, in districts designated in the land use table.
   C.   Conditional use permits for group daycare facilities and childcare centers are not transferable from one owner/operator to another nor from one location to another.
   D.   A group daycare facility or a childcare center is a permitted accessory use in any district where it is conducted within an operating church, school or comparable public or quasi-judicial facility, large employment center or similar institution. These childcare uses are subject to compliance with all applicable standards as set forth by this section.
   E.   Family daycare homes, group daycare facilities and childcare centers shall meet the following standards as indicated:
Daycare Homes
Group Daycare Facilities
Childcare Centers
Daycare Homes
Group Daycare Facilities
Childcare Centers
The owner must obtain all applicable state licenses prior to conducting business.
Provide an area sufficient for drop off and pick up of children. On street drop off and pick up is not allowed on collector or arterial streets. Location on collector or arterial streets shall provide a separate means of ingress and egress to the site from a public street.
Provide off street parking of 1 space for each employee. Provide an area sufficient for drop off and pick up of children. On street drop off and pick up is not allowed on collector or arterial streets. Location on collector or arterial streets shall provide a separate means of ingress and egress to the site from a public street.
Provide off street parking of 1 space for every 8 children maximum enrollment plus 1 additional space for each employee. Provide an area on site sufficient for drop off and pick up of children and a separate means of ingress and egress to the site from a public street.
In residential zoning districts, no structural alterations to a residential building are allowed which result in change of the exterior residential character of the building.
As a condition of the conditional use permit, the commission shall establish the maximum number of children allowed.
Landscaping, additional setbacks, walls or fences may be considered and required by the commission as part of the conditional use permit.
No outdoor activities for children shall be allowed before 7:30 A.M. or 1/2 hour after sunset.
Minimum of 35 square feet of net indoor floor area per child.
(Ord. 527, 3-14-2005)