   112.01   Purpose
   112.02   Definition
   112.03   Limitations
   112.99   Penalty
§ 112.01  PURPOSE.
   Limitation of the number and duration of garage sales within the city is intended to maintain the residential nature of the neighborhoods, prevent an increase in traffic in residential areas at times and frequencies which may adversely impact other residents, and provide the city with a method to regulate business activities undertaken in areas not zoned for retail sales.
(Prior Code, § 18-57)  (Ord. 238, passed 1989)
§ 112.02  DEFINITION.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   GARAGE SALE.  An offering of goods to the public on a temporary basis by a person or organization at a sale site which is not principally used for the purpose of retail sales and where no other permit has been issued by the city authorizing these sales.  As used in this chapter, the term GARAGE SALE encompasses yard sales, estate sales, moving sales, block sales, rummage sales, and related sales where second-hand or other goods are sold or displayed to members of the public on a temporary basis.  GARAGE SALE as used in this chapter does not include an estate sale or auction held at decedent's residence or at the residence of a party holding the sale, provided the number of sales in any calendar year does not exceed the limitations imposed by this chapter, and further provided that the sale is conducted by a permitted auctioneer.
(Prior Code, § 18-58)  (Ord. 238, passed 1989)
§ 112.03  LIMITATIONS.
   (A)   Number of sales per year.  No person shall hold more than 2 garage sale occasions in the course of any calendar year without having first applied for a permit to conduct a sale at the office of the City Clerk.  Permits for third or subsequent sales shall not be granted without a showing of hardship or necessity or without proof that the applicant has a Minnesota sales tax number when conducted in an area zoned for retail sales.
   (B)   Other limitations.  All garage sales held within the city limits of the City of Park Rapids shall abide by the following provisions:
      (1)   No garage sale shall last for more than 3 days in succession;
      (2)   Garage sales shall not be commenced earlier than 8:00 a.m. and shall not transact business beyond 6:00 p.m; and
      (3)   Signs advertising garage sales must comply with existing city ordinances and must be retrieved by 6:00 p.m. on the day following the last day of the sale.
(Prior Code, § 18-59)  Penalty, see § 112.99