In order to provide revenue for the continuance, maintenance and improvement of the Parkersburg Floodwall, there is hereby levied, imposed and assessed upon such property owners an annual floodwall maintenance fee as follows:
   (a)    There is hereby imposed upon the respective owners of all tracts of land in the protected flood zone an annual fee in an amount equal to the total number of square feet of land multiplied by $0.001.
   (b)    There is hereby imposed upon the respective owners of all buildings in the protected flood zone an additional annual fee in an amount equal to the total number of square feet contained in the building multiplied by $0.067 per square foot.
   (c)    There is hereby imposed upon the respective owners of all commercial and institutional buildings in the protected flood zone an additional annual fee in an amount equal to the total number of square feet contained in the building multiplied by $0.067 per square foot.
   (d)   It is the intent of this legislation that the owners of unimproved land pay only the fees imposed in subsection (a) hereof; that the owners of residential buildings pay only the fees imposed in subsections (a) and (b) hereof; and that the owners of commercial and institutional buildings pay the fees imposed in subsections (a), (b) and (c) hereof.
      In the event the additional fees imposed upon the owners of commercial and institutional buildings under Section 783.03(c) are determined to be invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, then it is the intent of this legislation that such subsection be severable, and that the owners of such commercial and institutional buildings be required to pay only the fees imposed in Section 783.03(a) and (b).
   (e)   There is hereby imposed upon the respective owners of all mobile homes in the protected flood zone an annual fee of five dollars and sixty-seven cents ($5.67).
   (f)   There is hereby imposed upon the respective owner and/or occupant of all utility poles, multiple poles or tower structures within the protected flood zone an annual fee of two dollars and no cents ($2.00) for each utility pole, multiple pole or tower structure owned or occupied by each such entity.
   (g)   The proceeds of such fees and charges levied, imposed and assessed shall be collected by the Director of Finance and shall be allocated and expended in accordance with the budget adopted by City Council for the operation of the Parkersburg Floodwall Systems as provided in Section 155.03.
   (h)   It shall be the obligation of the owners of buildings in the City subject to floodwall fees under the provisions of this article to provide information to the Finance Director as may be necessary to calculate the number of square feet contained in the building upon which floodwall fees are assessed.
   (i)   An owner may request an adjustment to the determination of the Director of Finance of the number of square feet in a building by submitting such request in writing. The Director of Finance may, in his or her discretion, make such adjustments in the assessment due to an erroneous billing or a bona fide adjustment in square footage due to a change in condition or erroneous measurement as may be fair and equitable.
      (Ord. O-207. Passed 4-12-83; Ord. O-764. Passed 12-20-94; Ord. O-800. Passed 3-26-96; Ord. O-1060. Passed 1-28-03; Ord. O-1541. Passed 8-23-16.)
   (j)   A discount of one and one-half percent (1 1/2 0/0) shall be allowed and given for payment made in full of said annual fee when said fee for the full twelve (12) months period is paid in full on or before the initial due date of said fee and
      (Ord. O-1596. Passed 7-24-18.)
   (k)   The imposition of any and all future annual floodwall fees imposed under this article shall cease and be eliminated from and after January 1, 2019.
      (Ord. O-1607. Passed 11-27-18.)