All persons, corporations, partnerships, owners, lessees, or lessors which own, lease or occupy real estate and improvements located or constructed upon real estate located within the geographical boundaries governed by Section 1350.02, shall comply with the provisions, articles, sections and requirements of this article, including compliance with the CDBD appearance standards within thirty (30) months of its date of passage into law, subject to the following exceptions: All sections of Article 1349 of the Parkersburg Zoning Ordinance dealing with administrative procedures of any governmental bodies, including the Downtown Design and Facade Committee and including any building or repair applications required to be made to or approved by governmental bodies, including the Downtown Design and Facade Committee, shall be in effect immediately upon date of passage of this article, that is as of November 24, 1998.
   Additionally, a Certificate of Appropriateness shall be valid for a maximum of eighteen (18) months. If a project is not completed within the allotted time period due to adverse weather conditions or extenuating circumstances, the applicant may request an extension of said Certificate of Appropriateness of up to three (3) months.
(Ord. 0-1371. Passed 5-4-10.)