There is hereby created a Central Downtown Business District whose boundaries are described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the center of Ann and the center of 4th Streets; Thence with the center of 4th Street, and its westerly prolongation, in a westerly direction to the Parkersburg floodwall; Thence with the Parkersburg floodwall in a southerly, easterly and northerly direction to a point in the floodwall which is 150 feet easterly from the easterly line of Green Street; Thence with a line parallel to and 150 feet easterly from the easterly line of Green Street in a northerly direction to the intersection of said line and a point which is 150 feet southerly from the southerly line of 7th Street; Thence with a line parallel to and 150 feet southerly from the southerly line of 7th Street, in an easterly direction to the intersection of said line with the southerly prolongation of the center of Quincy Street; Thence with the center of Quincy Street and its southerly prolongation, in a northerly direction to the intersection of the center of Quincy Street and the center of 8th Street; Thence with the center of 8th Street in a westerly direction to the intersection of the center of 8th Street and the center of Clay Street; Thence with the center of Clay Street to a point which is 150 feet easterly from the easterly line of Avery Street; Thence with a line parallel to and 150 feet easterly from the easterly line of Avery Street in a northerly direction to a-point in the southerly line of 13th Street; Thence with the southerly line of 13th Street in a westerly direction, to the intersection of the southerly line of 13th Street and the center of the 20-foot alley between Market Street and Juliana Street, commonly known as Williams Court Alley; Thence, with the center of Williams Court Alley, in a southerly direction, to the intersection of the center of Williams Court Alley and the center of 9th Street; Thence with the center of 9th Street in a westerly direction to the intersection of the center of 9th Street and the center of Ann Street; Thence with the center of Ann Street in a southerly direction to the point of beginning.
   Legal Description of Amendment No. 1
Beginning at the intersection of the northerly right-of-way line of the CSX railroad and the southerly prolongation of the center of Quincy Street; Thence, with the said right-of- way line, in an easterly direction, to the southerly prolongation of the westerly line of Swann Street; Thence, with the said westerly line of Swann Street, and its southerly prolongation, in a northerly direction, the center of Jeanette Street; Thence, with the center of Jeanette Street, in an easterly direction, to the center of Julius Street; Thence, with the center of Julius Street, in a northerly direction, to its intersection with the center of the first alley south of Mary Street; Thence, with the center of the first alley south of Mary Street, in an easterly direction, to the center of William Street; Thence, with the center of William Street, in a northerly direction, to the center of Mary Street; Thence, with the center of Mary Street, in an easterly direction, to the easterly line of East Street; Thence, with the easterly line of East Street, in a northerly direction, to the southerly line of Seventh Street; Thence, crossing Seventh Street, in a northerly direction, to the southeasterly corner of the tract of land rezoned by Ordinance #0-127, which parcel is at the corner of Seventh and Laird Streets; Thence, in a northerly direction, 128.60 feet to the northeasterly corner of the aforementioned tract; Thence, with the northerly line of the said tract; in a westerly direction, to the easterly line of Laird Avenue; Thence, in a westerly direction, to a point in the westerly line of Laird Avenue which is 150 feet northerly from, at right angles with the northerly line of Seventh Street;
Thence, with a line 150 feet at right angles from, and parallel to the northerly line of Seventh Street, in a westerly direction, to the easterly line of Lot 3 of the Partition of Hutchinson's Grove, as shown in Deed Book 71, Page 67, in the Office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Wood County, West Virginia; Thence, with the said line, in a southerly direction, to the center of the first 10-foot alley north of Seventh Street; Thence, with the center of the said alley, in a westerly direction, to the easterly line of George Street; Thence, in a westerly direction, to the intersection of the westerly line of George Street and the center of the first 20-foot alley north of Seventh Street; Thence, with the center of the said alley, in a westerly direction, to the easterly line of William Street; Thence, in a westerly direction, to a point in the westerly line of William Street which is 150 feet northerly at right angles from the northerly line of Seventh Street; Thence, with a line 150 feet at right angles from, and parallel to the northerly line of Seventh Street, in a westerly direction, to the easterly line of Lynn Street; Thence, in a westerly direction, to the intersection of the westerly line of Lynn Street and the center of the first 15-foot alley North of Seventh Street; Thence, with the center of the said alley, in a westerly direction, to the easterly line of Swann Street; Thence, in a westerly direction, to the intersection of the westerly line of Swann Street and the southerly line of East 8th Street; Thence, with the southerly line of East 8th Street, in a westerly direction, to the westerly terminus 8th Street; Thence, with a line 150 feet at right angles from, and parallel to the northerly line of Seventh Street, in a westerly direction, to the easterly line of Jackson Avenue; Thence, in a westerly direction, to the intersection of the westerly line of Jackson Avenue and the center of the first alley North of Seventh Street; Thence, with the center of the said alley, in a westerly direction, to the center of 8th Street; Thence with the center of 8th Street in a westerly direction to the intersection of the center of 8th Street and the center of Quincy Street; Thence with the center of Quincy Street and its southerly prolongation, in a southerly direction to the beginning.
   Legal Description of Amendment No. 2
Beginning at a point in the center of Ann Street which is 216 feet northerly from the northerly line of Eighth Street; Thence, in a westerly direction, to a point in the westerly line of Ann Street which is 216 feet northerly from the northerly line of Eighth Street; Thence, parallel with Eighth Street, in a westerly direction, 80 feet; Thence, in a northerly direction 50.4 feet to a point which is 80 feet westerly from the westerly line of Ann Street; Thence, in a westerly direction 10.52 feet; Thence, in a northerly direction 75.89 feet to a point which is 110 feet westerly from the westerly line of Ann Street; Thence, in an easterly direction 10 feet; Thence in a northerly direction 127.5 feet to a point in the southerly line of Tenth Street, which point is 110 feet westerly from the westerly line of Ann Street; Thence, in a northerly direction, across Tenth Street to a point in the northerly line of Tenth Street and in the center of the first 20 foot alley west of Ann Street; Thence, with the center of the 20 foot alley, in a northerly direction to a point in the southerly line of Eleventh Street; Thence, across Eleventh Street to a point which is 175 feet westerly from the westerly line of Ann Street; Thence, in a northerly direction 169.64 feet to a point which is 175 feet westerly from the westerly line of Ann Street; Thence, in a westerly direction 59.78 feet; Thence, in a northerly direction 135.45 feet to the center of Twelfth Street;
Thence with the center of Twelfth Street, in a westerly direction, to the easterly line of Murdoch Avenue, Thence in a northerly direction, with the easterly line of Murdoch Avenue, to a point which is 78 feet northerly of the northerly line of Twelfth Street; Thence in an easterly direction 100 feet; Thence, in a northerly direction 101.4 feet; Thence, in an easterly direction 53 feet; Thence in a northerly direction 70.5 feet; Thence, in an easterly direction 16 feet to a point which is 150 feet westerly from the westerly line of Ann Street; Thence in a northerly direction to a point which is 103 feet easterly from the easterly line of Murdoch Avenue and in the southerly line of the Nash School Property; Thence, in a westerly direction 103 feet to a point in the easterly line of Murdoch Avenue; Thence in a northerly direction, with the easterly line of Murdoch Avenue, to the southerly line of 13th Street; Thence, with the southerly line of 13th Street, in a westerly direction, to the easterly line of Garfield Avenue; Thence, in a westerly direction, to a point in the westerly line of Garfield Avenue which is the northeasterly corner of Lot 12 of The P.G. Van Winkle Estate, as shown in Deed Book 57, Page 489, in the Office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Wood County, West Virginia; Thence, in a westerly direction, to a point in the easterly line of Skirvin Street, at its northerly terminus; Thence with the easterly line of Skirvin Street; in a southerly direction to the northerly line of 12th Street; Thence, in a southerly direction, to a point in the southerly line of 12th Street, which point is 150 feet westerly from, at right angles to, the westerly line of Garfield Avenue; Thence, in a southerly direction, with a line 150 feet at right angles from, and parallel to the westerly line of Garfield Avenue, to the northerly line of Park Place; Thence, with the northerly line of Park Place, in an easterly direction, to the westerly line of Garfield Avenue; Thence, with the westerly line of Garfield Avenue, in a southerly direction, to the westerly prolongation of the center of Fourth Street; Thence with the center of 4th Street, and its westerly prolongation, in an easterly direction to the intersection of the center of 4th Street and the center of Ann Street; Thence with the center of Ann Street in a northerly direction to the point of beginning.
   (Ord. 0-905. Passed 11-24-98.)