ACT OF GOD: An unusual, extraordinary, sudden and unexpected manifestation of the forces of nature which cannot be prevented by reasonable human care, skill or foresight.
ALARM AGENT: Any person who is employed by an alarm business, either directly or indirectly, whose duties include any of the following: Maintaining, servicing, or repairing any alarm or alarm system in or on any building, vehicle or premises. Any person whose duties consist solely of resetting an alarm following activation shall not be an "alarm agent".
ALARM BUSINESS: Any person, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity who (which) owns or conducts the business of selling, leasing, renting, maintaining or monitoring alarm systems, devices or services, with the exception of the town of Parker or county of La Paz.
ALARM OR ALARM SYSTEM: Any electrical instrument or other device which, as one of its purposes, is used to protect buildings, vehicles or premises from criminal acts or unauthorized entry through emission or transmission of a sound or signal.
ALARM SUBSCRIBER: Any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or business who (which) leases or rents an audible alarm system or device whether or not that system is monitored by the same alarm business or other entity.
ALARM USER: Any person using an alarm system at his place of business or residence.
AUDIBLE ALARM: A device designed for the detection of an unauthorized entry on premises and which, when activated, generates an audible sound on the premises.
FALSE ALARMS: Any activation of an alarm not caused by or as a result of a criminal act or unauthorized entry, except for activation for testing purposes when the police department has been given advance notice of such testing, or activation caused by the police or fire department.
MONITORED ALARM: A device designed for the detection of an unauthorized entry on premises and which, when activated, generates an inaudible (silent) signal to a monitoring station. A "monitored alarm" may also generate an audible sound on the premises.
NUISANCE ALARM: Any alarm system that activates excessive false alarms not generated by violent conditions of nature.
PROPRIETOR ALARM: Any alarm or alarm system which is not leased or rented from, or owned or maintained under contract by an alarm business. (1988 Code § 4-2-3)