A.   The elected officers of the Town shall be seven (7) Council members, one of whom shall be designated as Mayor in accordance with section 1-6-1 of this title. The Mayor and Council members shall constitute the Council and shall continue in office until assumption of duties of office by their duly elected successors. Council members shall serve four (4) year overlapping terms in the manner provided by State Statute. For the purpose of facilitating the change in election dates pursuant to sections 1-9-1 and 1-9-2 of this title, the term of office for Council members holding office on the tenth Tuesday before the first Monday in November of 2014, whose term would have expired in June of 2015, shall be extended until their successors are elected and qualified in December of 2016, and the term of office for Council members holding office on the tenth Tuesday before the first Monday in November of 2016, whose term would have expired in June of 2017, shall be extended until their successors are elected and qualified in December of 2018. (Ord. 02-2013, 11-19-2013)
   B.   Council members shall assume the duties of office at the first regularly-scheduled Council meeting in January following the election. (Ord. 07-2018, 10-16-2018)



1. ARS §§ 9-231, 9-232.02, 16-204.