(A)   All residential customers connected to the city’s sanitary sewer system shall pay the minimum sum of $64.11 per month for the sanitary sewer service, effective January 1, 2018, and an increase to $78.98, effective January 1, 2019. All customers shall comply with all the rules, requirements, and regulations of the North Texas Municipal Water District, Collin County, the State of Texas, and the City of Parker with respect to discharge and effluent placed by the customer into the system. No person shall discharge any substance, liquid, or material into the system which is prohibited by applicable state, federal, or county law, or the rules of the North Texas Municipal Water District.
   (B)   Sanitary sewer fees are due monthly on the same terms and conditions as the city’s water bills.
(Ord. 495, passed 12-19-2000; Am. Ord. 593, passed 3-28-2006; Am. Ord. 618, passed 1-22-2008; Am. Ord. 650, passed 3-16-2010; Am. Ord. 755, passed 10-24-2017) Penalty, see § 52.99