1-202.   Order of business.
At each meeting of the board of commissioners the following regular order of business shall be observed unless dispensed with by a majority vote of the board:
   (1)   The meeting will be called to order by the mayor.
   (2)   The roll will be called by the recorder.
   (3)   The minutes of the previous meeting will be read by the recorder and approved or corrected by the board.
   (4)   The board will hear comments from citizens.
      (a)   A citizen may only speak one time at each meeting.
      (b)    A citizen may only speak for three (3) minutes unless such limitation is modified or waived by the Mayor or other presiding officer of the board of commissioners (Ord. #1297, 07/06/2023).
   (5)   The board will hear communications from the mayor.
   (6)   The board will hear reports from the city manager, committees, and commissioners and other officers.
   (7)   The board will dispose of old business.
   (8)   The board will consider new business.
   (9)   The meeting will be adjourned.
(For provisions in the charter with respect to board of commissioners, generally, see particularly Chapter 20. See Chapter 19 in the charter for the board's general powers).