Commercial, industrial, and business establishments that produce or accumulate recyclable solid waste, or the owners of premises upon which such recyclable solid waste has accumulated may convey and dispose of such recyclable solid waste or authorize a private hauler to convey or dispose of such recyclable solid waste, provided, they agree to comply with the requirements of the city concerning collection, transportation, and the point of disposal, and apply for a permit granting them the right to collect, convey, and dispose of such recyclable solid waste. A private disposal permit may be issued by the city manager under the following terms and conditions: (Ord. #800, 06/04/92).
A. Any such permit shall specifically define the recyclable material that can be collected, conveyed, and disposed of and such permit shall not be conveyed, assigned, or transferred (Ord. #800, 06/04/92).
B. Such permit may be terminated by the city with thirty (30) days' notice to the permittee at the sole discretion of the city (Ord. #800, 06/04/92).
C. If the permittee accepts or allows any municipal solid waste other than the designated recyclable solid waste provided for in the permit to be collected, transported, or disposed of, either directly or indirectly, then this permit shall be terminated immediately upon notice by the city (Ord. #800, 06/04/92).
D. The permittee shall have no dumpster boxes or collection facilities on the exterior of the premises of the permittee or any customers of the permittee if the permittee is a private hauler, and no such recyclable solid waste shall be allowed to accumulate on or about the exterior premises of any such permittee or customers of such permittee if the permittee is a private hauler, except that exterior receptacles may be allowed under the provisions of Section F of this chapter if such exterior receptacles are located in the service area behind the permitted premises in an area not available to or visible by the general public; provided, however, that no exterior receptacles shall be allowed in any manner in the B-2 (Central Business) District. Provided, further, that exterior receptacles in areas available to the public may be allowed subject to the provision of Section F of this chapter if such receptacles are placed on such premises as a part of a public recycling program where members of the public may deposit recyclable materials collected by members of the general public (Ord. #800, 06/04/92).
E. Each separate location where recyclables are collected, either from a commercial, industrial, or business establishment whether by the owner or lessee of the premises or by private hauler shall be required to have a permit for such location. The permittee shall be required to pay a $150.00 annual fee for issuance of such permit, provided however, that only one (1) fee shall be required for each individual owner, lessee, or private hauler regardless of the number of locations where recyclables are collected (Ord. #800, 06/04/92).
F. The City Manager shall be specifically authorized to place such other terms and conditions on the collection and disposal of recyclable solid waste as shall be deemed necessary by the City Sanitation Department or applicable state and federal laws (Ord. #800, 06/04/92).
G. The permittee shall be required to designate the point of disposal of collected recyclable solid waste. If the point of disposal for any recyclable solid waste shall change subsequent to the issuance of the permit the permittee shall be required to notify the City Manager of any such change (Ord. #800, 06/04/92).
H. The permittee shall be required to submit to the City Manager or his designee on a quarterly basis from the date of the issuance of the permit a report stating the recyclables collected by classification and for each classification, quantity information by either weight or volume, depending on the recyclable material collected. Failure to submit such reports shall be grounds for the revocation of such permit (Ord. #800, 06/04/92).