(1) The term, "garbage", shall mean all animal and vegetable wastes resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking, or consumption of foods.
(2) The term, "refuse", shall mean all solid wastes, except body wastes, and shall include garbage, ashes, and rubbish, (trash).
(3) The term, "rubbish", shall include waste paper, tin cans, broken ware, discarded shoes and clothing, bottles, grass cuttings or non-putrescible solid wastes. The term, "rubbish", shall not include debris from construction or repair work, trees, or tree trimmings, bricks or rocks or any other waste that is likely to cause damage to the equipment of the City, injury to its employees, or is likely, because of the nature, size, or weight of the material, to cause undue hardship on the collector.
(4) Collector. The term "collector" shall mean any person, firm or corporation that collects, transports or disposes of any refuse within the corporate limits of the City of Paris.
(5) The term, "ashes", shall include the waste products from coal, wood, and other fuels used for cooking and heating from all public and private residences and establishments.
(6) The term, "person", shall include any natural person, association, partnership, firm, or corporation.
(7) The definitions of certain words used in this Chapter shall be as defined by the Rules of Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Division of Solid Waste Management in Chapter 0400-11-01 (1), (2), and (3) (The definitions of certain words used in this Chapter shall be as defined by the Rules of Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Division of Solid Waste Management in Chapter 0400-11-01 (1), (2), and (3) (Ord #1232, 6/7/18).