6-613.   Purchases of more than $10,000.00.
   A.   Purchases of $10,000.00 to $25,000.00. The purchase or procurement of supplies, materials, equipment, and/or services which do not exceed $25,000.00 shall not require public advertisement and sealed competitive bids or proposals. Provided, however, at least three (3) written quotations shall be required whenever possible for purchases costing $25,000.00 or less but more than $10,000.00. Purchases of like items shall be totaled for purposes of the $25,000.00 bid threshold.
   B.   Purchases of $25,000.00 or more. The purchase or procurement of supplies, materials, equipment, and/or services, which individually cost more than $25,000.00, or if when normally procured in lots of two (2) or more during any fiscal year total more than $25,000.00, shall be subject to competitive bidding AND public advertisement. Where possible, bids will be solicited from a minimum of three (3) suppliers using the following bidding procedures:
   (1)   The manager of the department or activity requiring the purchase or procurement of such items shall submit details of the supplies, materials, equipment, and/or services to be obtained, to include technical specifications where necessary, to the city manager as purchasing agent for approval.
   (2)   Upon approval of the proposed purchase or procurement, the city manager or the city manager's designee shall prepare a written bid packet containing specifications, terms, conditions, and bid policy as may be applicable. Such bid packet shall be made available to all interested parties and a fee may be charged for such bid packet. A list of all bid packets issued shall be kept by the city business office.
   (3)   Bid proposals shall be returned as specified in the bid packet. Such proposals shall be docketed and shall be kept in the city business office until such time as is specified for opening. A record of the date, time, and return of all bids shall be kept.
   (4)   All qualified bids, quotations, and/or proposals received in response to and advertisement and/or invitation to bid, shall at the time, date, and place specified in the public notice and/or solicitation of bids, be publicly opened at a meeting to be conducted by the city manager or the city manager's designee and the bid price announced. Any bid proposal that, on its face, fails to meet the bid requirements shall not be opened and shall be retained by the city. A minimum of two (2) officials of the city shall be present at all public bid openings. The appropriate official of the city shall record the minutes of all such public bid openings, which shall be filed with the appropriate procurement documentation.
   (5)   The city manager or the city manager's designee shall evaluate all bids presented and review all bid documents for compliance with advertised specifications and the authorization of any procurement contracts to determine which bids meet the bid specifications. If the lowest bid is within the budgeted amount, as set by the Board of Commissioners, the city manager shall be allowed to enter into a contract with the successful bidder. If, in the opinion of the city manager there is a substantial reason to recommend other than the lowest bid, the city manager shall make such recommendation to the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Commissions may make such decision as necessary. In the event any acceptable bid or recommendation of the city manager is above the budgeted amount, the Board of Commissioners shall make a decision on award of any contract as they deem to be in the best interest of the city.
   (6)   The city manager may reject any and all bids or recommend that noncompetitive contracts be entered into, pursuant to the provisions of T.C.A. 6-19-104.   
   (7)   With approval of the Board of Commissioners, the city manager shall be empowered to negotiate changes in bid specifications with the successful low bidder in order to comply with budget requirements or changed circumstances. (Ord. #1226, 3/1/18).