(A) All secondhand goods dealers shall maintain a written record containing a detailed description of each individual item, good, commodity or appliance accepted or purchased for resale and the person or persons from whom said were accepted or purchased or to whom permission to sell the same were given, including the form of identification used. Before accepting or purchasing any item, goods, commodities or appliance for resale, the secondhand goods dealer shall demand from the owner or his or her agent some form of positive identification including proof of age issued by a public officer in the performance of his or her official duties. Said records shall be maintained by the secondhand goods dealer for 3 years.
(B) Records required to be kept shall be open to inspection by officers of the Police Department. The inspections shall be made during regular business hours of the secondhand goods dealer.
(C) No items, goods, commodities or appliances acquired in the regular course of business may be transferred by the secondhand goods dealer within 72 hours of such being recorded in the required records as set forth above.
(Ord. 2013-15, passed 10-15-2013; Am. Ord. 2013-20, passed 11-6-2013)