The following types of signs are expressly prohibited in all districts, except as otherwise provided by this code.
   (A)   Outdoor advertising and off-site signs. No outdoor advertising or off-site sign shall be permitted which has a face larger than 25 square feet of surface space.
   (B)   Moving signs. Except as otherwise provided in this code, no sign or any portion thereof shall be permitted which moves or assumes any motion constituting a nonstationary or nonfixed condition except for the rotation of barber poles, changing signs, or multi-prism units. Indexing multi-prism units must not exceed a speed of 2 complete revolutions every 20 seconds. This section is not meant to prohibit any form of vehicular sign such as a sign attached to a bus or lettered on a motor vehicle.
   (C)   Abandoned signs. No person, firm, or corporation shall abandon any sign anywhere in the city.
   (D)   Signs on moving vehicles. No person shall drive, on the public streets, any vehicle with a sign that interferes with the vision of the driver of that vehicle or of any other vehicle. No person shall drive, on the public streets, any vehicle with a moving sign.
   (E)   Public areas. No sign shall be placed on any curb, sidewalk, post, pole, hydrant, bridge, tree, or other surface located on public property, or over or across any street or public thoroughfare, except expressly be authorized by this code.
   (F)   Banners.
      (1)   Banners, flags, pennants, search lights, twirling signs, sandwich board signs, sidewalk or curb signs, balloons, or other gas-filled figures shall not be used except as described in division (F)(2) of this section.
      (2)   Signs described in division (F)(1) above will be permitted in a commercial or industrial district for a total period not to exceed 15 days in any 6-month period at any business location. Banners, flags, and pennants will be allowed in residential districts in conjunction with a demonstration of model homes in a new subdivision for 2 days after and not to exceed a total period of 15 days in any calendar year.
   (G)   A-frame signs. A-frame or sandwich board, sidewalk, or curb signs are prohibited.
   (H)   Other signs. The following signs are also prohibited:
      (1)   Signs which bear or contain statements, words, or pictures of an obscene or pornographic character;
      (2)   Signs which are painted on or attached to any fence (except temporary fences around construction sites), or on any wall or structure (other than structures for permitted signs) which is not structurally a part of a building, except to identify a residence or residence structure by means of posting the name of the occupant or structure, and the street address;
      (3)   Signs which operate or employ any stereopticon or motion picture projection or media or have visible moving parts or give the illusion of motion, except as expressly permitted in this code;
      (4)   Signs which emit audible sound, odor, or visible matter;
      (5)   Signs which purport to be, or are an imitation of, or resemble an official traffic sign or signal; and
      (6)   Signs which, by reason of their size, location, movement, content, coloring, or manner of illumination, may be confused with or constructed as a traffic-control sign, signal, or device, or the light of an emergency or road equipment vehicle, or which hide from view any traffic or street sign or signal or device.
(1969 Code, § 15-133) (Ord. 1994-20, passed 7-11-1994) Penalty, see § 10.99