(A)   Any person applying graffiti on city-owned property shall have the duty to remove the same within 24 hours after notice by the city or private owner of the property involved. The removal shall be done in a manner prescribed by the Chief of Police, the City Administrator or his or her designee, or any additional city department head, as authorized by the City Council, and may, at the option of the city, be deemed by the city to satisfy any payment or penalty that might otherwise be imposed and owed to the city.
   (B)   Any person applying graffiti shall be responsible for its removal or for the payment therefor. Failure of any person to so remove graffiti or pay for its removal shall constitute an additional violation of this subchapter. Where graffiti is applied by an unemancipated minor, the parents or legal guardians shall also be responsible for its removal or for the payment therefor. The Chief of Police, the City Administrator or his or her designee, or any additional city department head, as authorized by the City Council, may convert the payment into equivalent forms of community service hours. These payments or equivalent forms of community service hours shall be in addition to any other penalties imposed.
(1969 Code, § 17-40) (Ord. 1996-38, passed 10-28-1996) Penalty, see § 131.99