(A)   The determination of the communications director with regard to matters of suspension shall be appealable in the time and manner set forth in this chapter.
   (B)   The communications director, in the case of a suspension, shall serve the permittee with a written order of suspension, which shall state the reasons for the suspension. The suspension order shall be effective immediately if personally served, or 48 hours after the same has been deposited in the U.S. Postal Service. Notwithstanding any order of suspension, a permittee who has filed an appeal may continue the use of any alarm system requiring a permit under this chapter, until the appeal process as defined in this chapter has been exhausted, unless the communications director determines that the continued operation of the alarm system interferes with the operation of the Police or Fire Department.
(1969 Code, § 15-243) (Ord. 1999-29, passed 8-23-1999)