Bidding may be dispensed with in the following instances:
   (A)   When the amount of the contract in a contract for services or any work or public improvements, which is not paid for in whole or in part by special assessment or special taxation, is less than $20,000.
   (B)   Upon a vote of 4/5 of the City Council to dispense with bidding.
   (C)   When approved by at least 4 of the Council members, the city shall superintend and cause to be carried out construction of work or other public improvement and shall employ exclusively for the performance of all manual labor thereon by laborers and artisans whom the city shall pay by the day or the hour but, any material used in the construction of work or other public improvement with a value in excess of $20,000, the city shall purchase from lowest responsible bidder.
(1969 Code, § 2-301)  (Ord. 1975-2, passed 4-14-1975; Am. Ord. 1978-16A, passed 5-24-1978; Am. Ord. 1983-14, passed 5-23-1983; Am. Ord. 1986-3, passed 1-27-1986; Am. Ord. 1989-36, passed 12-12-1988; Am. Ord. 1996-16, passed 5-28-1996; Am. Ord. 2015-8, passed 8-10-2015)