Economic Revitalization Areas, see §§ 33.20 et seq.
Ord. No.
Date Passed
Ord. No.
Date Passed
Res. 1989-3 | 10-19-89 | Designating the property known as the Paoli, Inc. building and grounds as an Economic Revitalization Area, to be eligible for tax abatement on the improvements and equipment therein, subject to the terms of the adopting resolution. |
Res. 1989-4 | 10-19-89 | Designating the property known as the Ridgewood Dimension, Inc. building and grounds as an Economic Revitalization Area, to be eligible for tax abatement on the improvements and equipment therein, subject to the terms of the adopting resolution. |
Res. 2016-05 | 7-19-16 | Waiving non-compliance with the filing deadline form SB-1/Real property (Tractor Supply Company) and CF-2/Real property for tax abatement purposes. |
Res. 2017-02 | 7-18-17 | Waiving non-compliance with the filing deadline for Form SB-1/Real property (Tractor Supply Company) and CF-1/Real property (TDAK Development, Inc.) for tax abatement. |
Res. 2017-03 | 7-18-17 | Waiving non-compliance with the filing deadline form SB-1 /real property, form CF-1/real property, form SB-1/personal property, and form CF-1/personal property for Liner Products, LLC for tax abatement purposes. |
Res. 2019-05 | 11-6-19 | Granting a property tax abatement of ten years to Electricom LLC for real estate improvements made at 1660 West Hospital Road. |
Res. 2020-01 | 6-16-20 | Granting a tax abatement for real estate improvements and personal property (Green Acres Golf LLC). |
Res. 2020-03 | 8-4-20 | Granting a tax abatement for real estate improvements (Green Acres Golf LLC-Amended Application). |
Res. 2022-03
Granting a tax abatement for real estate improvements (Windhorst Properties LLC Application).
Res. 2023-04
Waiving non-compliance with the filing deadline for Form CF-1 for Windhorst Properties LLC tax abatement purposes.
Res. 2023-05
Waiving non-compliance with the filing deadline for Form CF-1 for Green Acres Golf LLC tax abatement purposes.