For the purpose of §§ 150.40 through 150.49, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings ascribed to them respectively.
   (A)   DAMAGE TO PUBLIC PROPERTY OR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT. A physical change other than that to be expected from normal usage which renders the public property or public improvement less useful or decreases its useful life. Damage shall include sidewalk damage, curb damage, gutter damage, pavement damage, street excavation, parkway excavation, tree injury, water main damage, buffalo box breakage, or misalignment, hydrant damage, sewer main damage, and storm inlet clogging.
   (B)   NUISANCE UPON PUBLIC PROPERTY OR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT. A physical condition causing the public property or public improvement to be less convenient for public use, or which is opposed to good housekeeping. Nuisance shall include dirt, sand, or rock carried, spilled, or deposited onto the sidewalks, parkway, or pavement, and lumber, bricks, cement, mortar, or rubbish dropped or deposited on the sidewalk, parkway, or pavement.
('69 Code, § 6-51)