(A) In addition to any fine imposed under §§ 137.30 through 137.36, the court may order that the person convicted of a violation remove and properly dispose of the litter, may employ special bailiffs to supervise the removal and disposal, and may tax the costs of the supervision as costs against the person so convicted.
(B) The penalties prescribed in this section are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any penalties, rights, remedies, duties, or liabilities otherwise imposed or conferred by law.
(C) An individual convicted of violating §§ 137.31 through 137.34 by disposing of litter upon a public highway may, in addition to any other penalty, be required to maintain litter control for 30 days over a designated portion of that highway, including, at the discretion of the agency having jurisdiction over the section of highway in question, the site where the offense occurred, as provided in Section 50 of the Illinois Adopt-A-Highway Act.
(ILCS Ch. 415, Act 105, § 8)
(A) No person shall participate in a public performance or exhibition, or in a private exercise preparatory thereto, on a trapeze, tightrope, wire, rings, ropes, poles, or other aerial apparatus which requires skill, timing or balance and which creates a substantial risk to himself or others of serious injury by a fall from a height in excess of 20 feet, unless a safety net or other safety device of similar purpose and construction is placed between the person and the ground in a manner as to arrest or cushion his fall and minimize the risk of injury.
(B) Violation of this section is a misdemeanor.
(ILCS Ch. 720, Act 530, §§ 1, 3) Penalty, see § 130.99
(A) No owner, agent, lessee, or other person in control of operations of a circus, carnival, fair, or other public place of assembly or amusement shall authorize or permit participation in an aerial performance, exhibition, or private exercise in violation of § 137.40.
(B) Violation of this section is a misdemeanor.
(ILCS Ch. 720, Act 530, §§ 2, 3) Penalty, see § 130.99
(A) Any building used in the commission of offenses prohibited by §§ 132.02, 135.07 through 135.14, 136.02, 136.03, or 137.01 through 137.07 or used in the commission of an inchoate offense relative to any of the aforesaid principal offenses, or any real property erected, established, maintained, owned, leased, or used by a streetgang for the purpose of conducting streetgang related activity as defined in the Illinois Streetgang Terrorism Omnibus Prevention Act, ILCS Ch. 740, Act 147, § 10, is a public nuisance.
(B) A person convicted of knowingly maintaining such a public nuisance commits a misdemeanor. Each subsequent offense under this section is a class 4 felony and shall be prosecuted under appropriate state statute.
(ILCS Ch. 720, Act 5, § 37-1) Penalty, see § 130.99