It is the duty and within the power of the planning and zoning commission:
   (A)   To study, with the aid of maps of the city and contiguous unincorporated areas, the following: past growth and changes in land and building uses, present conditions and zoning, and trends of development which are especially pertinent to the commission's work; and to estimate the probably amount, character, and location of future growth.
   (B)   To determine and describe the kind of character of community that is desired by the citizens of the city that is feasible to achieve in major part, setting forth or outlining the policies and objectives with respect to public improvements and regulations which will bring about and maintain such a community.
   (C)   To prepare and recommend as part of a comprehensive plan:
      (1)   A program of public improvements designed to meet the present and future needs of the city, including a schedule showing the approximate year or period when each improvement should be made, a rough estimate of the cost and methods of financing.
      (2)   Additional and revised regulations governing the development of private property, including subdivision development, zoning, building, redevelopment, and maintenance.
      (3)   The above programs and regulations shall be described to further the policies and objectives desired by the city. Proposals therein shall be those for which authority and means of financing exist, or could be obtained. The plan may be prepared and adopted in whole or separate geographical or functional parts.
   (D)   To consider and report on current or special matters relating to regulations and development within the city and contiguous unincorporated territory, as may arise during the preparation of the comprehensive plan, or which may be referred to the commission by the mayor, city council, or other corporate authorities.
   (E)   To exercise all other powers germane to the powers granted by §§ 34.10 through 34.19 as may exist under state statute, or as may be conferred by the city council.
   (F)   To perform all duties and responsibilities as authorized and directed under §§ 153.120 through 153.130 as it pertains to planned residential developments; §§ 153.240 through 153.247 as it pertains to planned unit developments; and §§ 153.210 through 153.213 as it pertains to zoning amendments.
(Ord. O-36-15, passed 10-6-15)