At the end of every month, and oftener if required by the council, the city treasurer shall render an account under oath to the council or to the officer as may be designated by ordinance, showing the state of the treasury at the date of the account, and the balance of money in the treasury. He shall accompany the account with a statement of all money received into the treasury, and on what account, together with all warrants redeemed and paid by him. On the day he renders an account, these warrants, with all vouchers held by him, shall be delivered to the city clerk and filed, together with the account, in the clerk's office. He shall return all warrants paid by him marked "paid." The treasurer shall keep a register of all warrants, which shall describe each warrant, showing its date, amount, and number, the fund from which paid, the name of the person to whom paid, and when paid.
(ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 3.1-35-45) ('69 Code, § 2-147)