(A)   The thickness shall be determined from the length of the core borings. Minimum frequency of cores samples shall be three per day. The maximum allowable deficiency from the specified thickness shall be as follows:
      (1)   For pavement of specified thickness of two and one-half inches or more - one-half inch.
      (2)   For pavement of a specified thickness of less than two and one-half inches - one-four inch.
   (B)   Where the deficiency in thickness is:
      (1)   In excess of three-eighths inch, for pavement of less than two and one-half inches in specified thickness; or
      (2)   In excess of three-fourths inch, for pavement of specified thickness of two and one-half inches or more.
   (C)   The contractor shall correct deficiency either by replacing the full thickness for a length extending at least 50 feet from each end of the deficient area or (when permitted by the engineer) by overlaying. The contractor will receive no compensation for any pavement removed, nor for the work of removing such pavement.
   (D)   When the deficiency in the thickness of the pavement is over one-fourth inch but not more than three-eighths inch, for pavement of specified thickness less than two and one-half inches: or when the deficiency in thickness is over one-half inch but not more than three-fourths inch, for pavement of specified thickness of two and one-half inches or greater; the contractor will be allowed to leave such pavement in place, but without compensation other than for the bituminous material contained therein. The areas of pavement for which no square yard payment will be made shall be the product of the total distance between acceptable cores, multiplied by the width of the lane which was laid at the particular pass in which deficient thickness was indicated. To determine the extent of the deficiencies, additional cores will be taken as required.
   (E)   For any case of excess deficiency of the pavement the contractor will be permitted, if approved by the Engineer for each particular location, to correct the deficient thickness by adding new surface material and compacting to the same density as the adjacent surface. The area to be corrected and the thickness of new material added shall be as specified. All costs of the overlaying and compacting shall be borne by the contractor.
   (F)   The thickness of the pavement shall be determined from the length of cores, at least two inches in diameter, taken at random points on the cross-section and along the roadway. Each core shall represent a section not longer than 200 feet. The average thickness shall be determined from the measured thickness, and in accordance with the procedure and criteria specified herein. If the contractor believes that the number of cores taken is insufficient to properly indicate the thickness of the pavement, he or she may request additional borings at locations designated by him or her. The cost of these additional borings shall be deducted from any sums due the contractor unless such borings indicate that the pavement within the questioned area is of specified thickness.
   (G)   Average thickness shall be calculated for the total length of project. When the thickness as measured by the cores is more than 14 inches greater than the specified thickness, it shall be considered in the calculation as the specified thickness plus one-half inch.
   (H)   Areas of deficient-thickness pavement which are left in place with no compensation shall not be taken into account in the calculations.
   (I)   Where areas of defected surface or deficient thickness are corrected by overlaying with additional material, the thickness used in the calculations shall be the specified thickness for the areas.
(Ord. 2010-05, passed 4-27-2010) Penalty, see § 10.99