101.01 Short title
101.02 Findings, intent and scope
101.03 Definitions
101.04 Registration
101.05 Notice of transfer, sale or assignment of assets
101.06 Rules, regulations and general conditions to placement of communications systems and facilities in the public right-of-way
101.07 Duty to notify city of resellers; conditional use of public rights-of-way
101.08 Wireless facilities
101.09 Revocation or suspension of development permits
101.10 Involuntary termination of registration
101.11 Appeals
101.12 Fees applicable to those not subject to communications services tax
101.13 Existing communications facility
101.14 Insurance
101.15 Indemnification
101.16 Construction bond
101.17 Performance bond
101.18 Security fund
101.19 Enforcement remedies
101.20 Abandonment of a communications facility
101.21 Reservation of rights