(A)   Establishment of Credit. Before rendering Utilities services, the City shall require an applicant to satisfactorily establish credit. Establishment of credit shall not relieve the customer from their obligation to comply with the City's rules for prompt payment. Credit will be deemed so established if:
      (1)   The applicant furnishes a satisfactory guarantor to secure payment of bills for service requested.
      (2)   The applicant pays a deposit.
      (3)   The applicant furnishes an irrevocable letter of credit from a bank or a surety bond.
   Any such deposit received by the City shall be held in a non-interest bearing account. Deposits shall not be refunded until any and all outstanding charges for Utilities services against the account for which it is deposited have been paid in full. The deposits required under this section shall be applied against the final bill prepared for termination of the account. If the deposit exceeds the final bill, and no other outstanding fees or charges exist, then the balance of the deposit shall be refunded. If a residential customer has a record of timely payment over a continuous thirty-six (36)-month period, then the City shall return that deposit.
   (B)   Amount of Deposit. The amount of initial deposit for each customer class and meter size shall be set as follows:
Water Service
Customer Class/ Meter Size
Water Service
Customer Class/ Meter Size
   5/8 x 3/4"
2x average bill or $100 minimum
2x average bill or $100 minimum
   1 1/2"
2x average bill or $135 minimum
2x average bill or $225 minimum
Commercial/ Multifamily
   5/8 x 3/4"
2x average bill or $100 minimum
2x average bill or $190 minimum
   1 1/2"
2x average bill or $310 minimum
2x average bill or $500 minimum
Over 2"
2x average bill
   All meter sizes
2x average bill
Wastewater Service
Customer Class/ Meter Size
Wastewater Service
Customer Class/ Meter Size
   5/8 x 3/4"
2x average bill or $100 minimum
2x average bill or $100 minimum
   1 1/2"
2x average bill or $165 minimum
2x average bill or $265 minimum
Commercial/ Multifamily
   5/8 x 3/4"
2x average bill or $100 minimum
2x average bill or $260 minimum
   1 1/2"
2x average bill or $430 minimum
2x average bill or $700 minimum
   Over 2"
2x average bill
   All meter sizes
2x average bill
   (C)   Deposit Waiver. The applicant may apply for a credit screening to determine if a deposit is required or if the amount of the deposit can be reduced or waived. Actual cost of the credit check fee when provided by a third-party will be imposed upon the applicant.
      Third-Party Credit Check Fee    $5.00
   (D)   Additional Deposit. The City may require a new deposit, where previously waived or returned, or an additional deposit in order to secure payment of current bills provided. The City shall provide the customer with reasonable written notice of not less than thirty (30) days where such request or notice is separate and apart from any bill for service. The total amount of the required water or wastewater deposit shall not exceed an amount equal to the average actual charge for services for two (2) monthly billing periods for the twelve (12)-month period immediately prior to the date of notice. In the event the customer has had service less than twelve (12) months, the City shall base the new or additional deposit upon the average actual monthly billing available.
(Ord. 2008-31, passed 5-1-08; Am. Ord. 2009-40, passed 10-1-09; Am. Ord. 2011-22, passed 3-17-11; Am. Ord. 2014-28, passed 7-17-14; Am. Ord. 2015-47, passed 9-24-15)