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   The City Manager shall have the authority to permit a reasonable use of water in any case necessary to maintain adequate health and sanitation standards as set forth in the Brevard County Health Code. These permits shall be issued only upon the showing of good cause for the uses requested when supported by the aforesaid county health and sanitation standards.
('74 Code, § 24-56) (Ord. 81-30, passed 8-20-81)
§ 181.130 PURPOSE.
   The primary purpose of this subchapter is to reduce the risk to human health associated with contaminated drinking water. The quantity and quality of water available for use as a public water supply is directly related to land activities. Presently, a majority of the city's residents obtain their potable water supply from wells that pump water from a shallow aquifer. This aquifer is recharged by rainfall that occurs in the area around the wellfield. Land use activity near potable water wells has direct consequences on the quality of water percolating into the surficial aquifer. To ensure the long-term use of the present and future wells and wellfields it is necessary to take steps which will help to prevent the contamination of underground fresh water.
('74 Code, § 24-121) (Ord. 89-13, passed 4-27-89)
§ 181.131 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   AQUIFER. A geologic formation through which water may be percolated, transmitted, stored and yielded.
   DESIGNATED PUBLIC UTILITY. Any agency which under public franchise or ownership, operates a well or wells, to provide potable or raw water to the public for consumption.
   HAZARDOUS CONSTITUENTS. Those chemicals and substances listed in Appendix A [of Ordinance 89-13, which is not codified in this subchapter, but is on file and available for reference in the office of the City Clerk].
   STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CODE (SIC). A publication printed by the U.S. Government Printing Office which classifies and defines industries and commercial activities.
   WELL. Any excavation that is drilled, cored, bored, washed, driven, dug, jetted or otherwise constructed when the intended use of such excavation is to conduct groundwater from a source bed to the surface by pumping, natural flow or other method.
   WELLFIELD. An area of land which contains one (1) or more than one (1) well for obtaining water.
('74 Code, § 24-122) (Ord. 89-13, passed 4-27-89)
   (A)   The following land uses and activities shall be prohibited from locating within two hundred (200) feet of a designated public utility water well.
      (1)   Stormwater discharge retention-detention facilities.
      (2)   Any industrial or commercial activities that utilize, generate, or, store any of substances listed as hazardous constituents in Appendix A.
      (3)   Any uses listed in the Modified Standard Industrial Code, being Appendix B. These uses have the potential for the discharge of contaminated stormwater.
      (4)   Sanitary landfills.
      (5)   Domestic wastewater facilities including underground storage and transportation facilities.
      (6)   Mining or excavation operations of any kind.
   (B)   The following land uses and activities shall be prohibited from locating within one thousand (1,000) feet of a designated public utility water well.
      (1)   Any industrial or commercial activities that utilize, generate or store in excess of five (5) gallons of liquid or twenty-five (25) pounds of solid, of any substances listed as hazardous constituents in Appendix A.
      (2)   Any uses listed in Modified Standard Industrial Code, being Appendix B. These uses have the potential for the discharge of contaminated stormwater.
      (3)   Sanitary landfills.
      (4)   Mining or excavation operations of any kind.
   (C)   Special exception site plan approval shall be required to locate any domestic wastewater facilities which include underground storage and transportation facilities between two hundred (200) feet and one thousand (1,000) feet from a designated public utility water well.
('74 Code, § 24-123) (Ord. 89-13, passed 4-27-89) Penalty, see § 181.999
Editor's note: Appendix A and Appendix B, attached to original Ordinance 89-13, passed April 27, 1989, have not been codified in this subchapter. Copies of Appendix A and Appendix B shall remain on file for public inspection in the office of the City Clerk.