The curtailments and restrictions of water uses provided for herein shall be implemented upon a declaration at any time of a water shortage emergency by the City Council and shall remain in effect until such time as the City Council shall declare such emergency to be at an end.
('74 Code, § 24-53) (Ord. 81-30, passed 8-20-81)
Nonessential uses of water shall be restricted or curtailed during the existence of a water shortage emergency. These restrictions shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
(A) The sprinkling, watering or irrigating of shrubbery, trees, lawns, grass, ground covers, plants, vines, and gardens shall be limited to the hours of 7:00 a.m. through 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. through 9:00 p.m. Further, such uses of water shall be authorized for the following categories of users on the following days of the week:
(1) Residential property owners whose street addresses (house numbers) end in an odd number shall be authorized to use water for the above purposes only on odd numbered days during a declared water shortage or water shortage emergency;
(2) Residential property owners whose street addresses (house numbers) end in an even number shall be authorized to use water for the above uses only on even numbered days during a declared water shortage or water shortage emergency;
(3) All commercial uses (such as nurseries, apartments, condominiums, home owners' associations, golf courses, shopping centers, farmers, and other commercial users) of water shall use water for the above purposes only as provided herein:
(a) Such commercial users whose business addresses (street numbers) end in an odd number shall be authorized to use water for the above purposes only on odd numbered days during a declared water shortage or water shortage emergency;
(b) Such commercial users whose business addresses (street numbers) end in an even number shall be authorized to use water for the above purposes only on even numbered days during a declared water shortage or water shortage emergency.
(4) Industrial properties shall use water for the above purposes only as provided herein:
(a) Industrial properties whose business addresses (street numbers) end in an odd number shall be authorized to use water for the above purposes only on odd numbered days during a declared water shortage or water shortage emergency;
(b) Industrial properties whose business addresses (street numbers) end in an even number shall be authorized to use water for the above purposes only on even numbered days during a declared water shortage or water shortage emergency.
(B) The escape of water through defective plumbing, which means to knowingly allow water to escape through any water system that is in disrepair;
(C) The washing of sidewalks, driveways, porches, exterior of homes, apartments or other outdoor surfaces;
(D) The washing of business or industrial equipment and machinery, except as required for the public health;
(E) The operation of any ornamental fountain or other structure using water with or without a recirculating system;
(F) The filling of swimming pools and wading pools not using a filter and recirculating system;
(G) The washing of automobiles, trucks, trailers, railroad cars, mobile homes, campers, or any other type of mobile equipment, except at a business enterprise established for such purpose which recycles at least seventy-five percent (75%) of water used;
(H) The use of water for dust control, except as required for the public health;
(I) The use of water for hydrant flushing except for the purpose of maintaining chlorine residuals;
(J) The use of water for a water-to-air air conditioning system except where a return well has been provided to recycle water back to the shallow aquifer.
('74 Code, § 24-54) (Ord. 81-30, passed 8-20-81) Penalty, see § 181.999
(A) Every police officer or city enforcement officer, including but not limited to inspectors from the Fire Department who have arrest power pursuant to state law, or other enforcement personnel of the city who have such powers, shall be authorized and empowered to enforce the provisions of this subchapter.
(B) In addition to the penalties for violations, provided herein, the City Manager may enforce the provisions of this subchapter by ordering discontinuance of service to any person violating the provisions hereof for the third and each successive violation during any declared water shortage. If any person's water supply is discontinued under the provisions of this subchapter, such person will be required to pay all charges necessary for reconnection before the city will reconnect such person's water supply.
('74 Code, § 24-55) (Ord. 81-30, passed 8-20-81) Penalty, see § 181.999
The City Manager shall have the authority to permit a reasonable use of water in any case necessary to maintain adequate health and sanitation standards as set forth in the Brevard County Health Code. These permits shall be issued only upon the showing of good cause for the uses requested when supported by the aforesaid county health and sanitation standards.
('74 Code, § 24-56) (Ord. 81-30, passed 8-20-81)
The primary purpose of this subchapter is to reduce the risk to human health associated with contaminated drinking water. The quantity and quality of water available for use as a public water supply is directly related to land activities. Presently, a majority of the city's residents obtain their potable water supply from wells that pump water from a shallow aquifer. This aquifer is recharged by rainfall that occurs in the area around the wellfield. Land use activity near potable water wells has direct consequences on the quality of water percolating into the surficial aquifer. To ensure the long-term use of the present and future wells and wellfields it is necessary to take steps which will help to prevent the contamination of underground fresh water.
('74 Code, § 24-121) (Ord. 89-13, passed 4-27-89)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
AQUIFER. A geologic formation through which water may be percolated, transmitted, stored and yielded.
DESIGNATED PUBLIC UTILITY. Any agency which under public franchise or ownership, operates a well or wells, to provide potable or raw water to the public for consumption.
HAZARDOUS CONSTITUENTS. Those chemicals and substances listed in Appendix A [of Ordinance 89-13, which is not codified in this subchapter, but is on file and available for reference in the office of the City Clerk].
STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CODE (SIC). A publication printed by the U.S. Government Printing Office which classifies and defines industries and commercial activities.
WELL. Any excavation that is drilled, cored, bored, washed, driven, dug, jetted or otherwise constructed when the intended use of such excavation is to conduct groundwater from a source bed to the surface by pumping, natural flow or other method.
WELLFIELD. An area of land which contains one (1) or more than one (1) well for obtaining water.
('74 Code, § 24-122) (Ord. 89-13, passed 4-27-89)