The following named and described areas, streets or portions of streets and such other areas, streets or portions of streets as may hereinafter be included in this section be amended hereto, lying within the corporate limits of the city, shall constitute parking meter zones, namely:
(A) The lower parking lot of Main Street.
(B) Second Street From College Street to West Street.
(C) Main Street from West Street to Church Street and from East Street to Euclid Avenue.
(D) Second Street to College Street.
(Ord. 88-02, passed 2-2-88)
The Parking Meter Maintenance Supervisor is directed to mark off individual parking spaces in the parking zones designated in § 72.055 of this chapter. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle in such a way that the vehicle shall not be entirely within the limits of the space designated.
(Ord. 88-02, passed 2-2-88) Penalty, see § 72.999
Upon entering the parking meter space, the operator of any vehicle shall immediately deposit, or cause to be deposited, in the meter such proper coin of the United States as is required for such parking meter and as is designated by proper directions on the meter, and failure to deposit such proper coin and to set the timing mechanism in operation shall constitute a violation of this chapter. If the vehicle shall remain parked in any such parking space beyond the parking time limit set for such parking space, and if the meter shall indicate such illegal parking, then such vehicle shall be considered as parking overtime, and shall be deemed in violation of this chapter.
(Ord. 88-02, passed 2-2-88)