The site plan review procedure shall ensure development complies with the standards of this Code. Certificates of compliance for any building, structure, expansions, or use of land subject to this section shall not be issued without an approved site plan.
(a) Applicability. A site plan prepared in accordance with Section 1111.03 shall accompany an application for a certificate of compliance for the following:
(1) Construction or alteration of any building, including accessory structures.
(2) Change in use of an existing building or accessory building to a different classification.
(3) Occupancy or use of vacant land.
(4) Change in the use of land to a different classification.
(5) Any change in the use of a nonconforming use.
(6) Extractive manufacturing including sand, gravel and top soil removal and deposit.
(7) Signs.
(8) Temporary uses and structures.
(9) Oil, gas or brine wells.
(10) Utility uses including installations for commercial transmissions of radio, television or communication systems.
(b) Application Contents. In addition to the general application requirements set forth in Section 1111.03 the site plan shall contain the following information:
(1) Site plans shall clearly indicate the location and dimensions of all rear yard or patio areas including graphic description of the means by which the privacy of the individual yard or patio area shall be assured.
(2) Site plan submissions shall include architectural drawings illustrating the architectural motif of the planned buildings, variations in the building setbacks and landscape details. Proposed first floor elevation (basement, if included in construction) shall be indicated (USGS Datum).
(3) Where it is the intention of the applicant to provide for separate ownership of individual units or other use units, such as condominium or town house projects, submission of the statement of such intent, including a copy of the legal provisions under which the ownership will occur, shall be included with the site plan application. Said documents shall be reviewed by the Administrator and approved as to form by the Law Director as part of the approval of the certificate of compliance.
(4) The landscape details shall include the location, height, number and type of plant material to be installed on the site. It shall also include the location, type and maintenance provisions for any and all required buffers.
(c) Exceptions.
(1) The Administrator may waive the requirements of this section for single-family and duplex developments, upon a determination that such detail is not required and such construction is outside of the floodway. In case of such waivers, a black line drawing or blue print drawn to scale may be submitted showing:
A. The actual shape and dimensions of the lot to be built upon or to be changed in its use, in whole or in part.
B. The exact location, size, first floor elevation, and height of any building or structure to be erected or altered.
C. In the case of a proposed new building or structure, as would substantially alter its appearance, drawing or sketches showing the front, sides and rear elevations of the proposed buildings or structure or of the structure as this will appear after the work for which a permit is sought.
D. The existing and intended use of each building, structure or part thereof.
E. When no buildings are involved, the location of the present use and proposed use to be made of the lot.
F. Such other information with regard to the lot and neighboring lot as may be necessary to determine and provide for the enforcement of this Code.
G. All dimensions and elevations shown on these plans relating to the location and size of the lot to be built upon shall be based on actual survey with elevations on USGS Datum. The lot and location of the building thereon shall be staked out on the ground before construction is started.
(2) A site plan shall not be approved for any location which is on an unimproved street or where utilities are not available unless such street improvement and utility construction is an integral part of the proposed construction for which the certificate of compliance is being requested. The City Engineer may waive or modify the improvement requirements for single-family or duplex units on lots on unimproved streets with impervious surfaces whenever it is demonstrated that utility services are adequate and adjacent properties will not be adversely affected.
(d) Review and Approval.
(1) All site plans shall be reviewed by the Administrator.
(2) The Administrator may distribute the application to other staff members and other City departments to solicit comment on the proposed site plan application.
(3) The City Engineer as the local Flood Plain Administrator shall review all site plans for compliance with Chapter 1353 Flood Damage Prevention of the Codified Ordinance of the City of Painesville.
(4) Within 30 days after the site plan review application is determined to be complete, the Administrator shall approve or deny the application.
(e) Construction. All required improvements shown on the site plans as approved shall be constructed. All construction shall be in accordance with the City of Painesville Construction and Material Specifications and the City of Painesville Construction Standards.
(Ord. 16-19. Passed 9-16-19.)