Any qualified elector who has lived in the municipality for one year prior to filing a petition of candidacy shall be eligible to serve as a member of Council, when elected as hereinafter provided.
   The Council shall be the judge of the election and qualifications of its own members. The seat of any member may be declared vacant by resolution of Council, five (5) members concurring.
   Council shall declare vacant a seat of any member for the following reasons:
   1.   One who persistently fails to abide by the rules of Council.
   2.   One who is absent without justifiable excuses for three (3) consecutive regular meetings.
   3.   One who shall cease to be a qualified elector and resident of the municipality as required by the Charter unless special circumstances have been approved by five (5) members of Council concurring.
   4.   One who enters upon the performance of the duties of an incompatible public office.
   5.   One who shall hold any appointed office or employment with the municipality for which compensation is authorized.
   6.   One who shall violate any expressed provisions of this Charter.
   7.   One who shall be convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude or any felony.
   8.   One who shall be convicted of any other provision of the State laws as applicable to public officials for which the penalty includes forfeiture of office.