Before the city expends state derived tax revenues on a municipal highway, road, street or bridge it shall hold a hearing in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter to take the sense of the public with regard to the project and to priorities for use of tax moneys for road and bridge purposes.
(KRS 174.100) (Prior Code, § 91.15)
Prior to the contemplated date of expenditure of state derived tax revenues on a road or bridge by the city, the city shall hold a public hearing for the purpose of taking the sense of the public with regard to road and bridge matters within the city. Notice of the hearing shall be given not less than seven days nor more than 21 days before the scheduled date of the public hearing and before beginning work on any project covered by this subchapter.
(KRS 174.100(1)) (Prior Code, § 91.16)
(A) At the hearing any person may speak with regard to any proposed project, any project which he or she feels should be built or done which has not been proposed, priorities for completion of projects and any other matter related to road or bridge projects.
(B) The city shall not be bound by the testimony heard at the hearing but shall give due consideration to it.
(KRS 174.100(2), (3)) (Prior Code, § 91.17)