The license fee imposed upon each insurance company which issues life insurance policies on the lives of persons residing within the corporate limits of the city shall be of the first year’s premiums actually collected within each calendar quarter by reason of the issuance of such policies.
(Prior Code, § 114.02)
The license fee imposed upon each insurance company which issues any insurance policy which is not a life insurance policy shall be of the premiums actually collected within each calendar quarter by reason of the issuance of such policies on risks located within the corporate limits of the city on those classes of business which such company is authorized to transact, less all premiums returned to policyholders; however, any license fee or tax imposed upon premium receipts shall not include premiums received for insuring employers against liability for personal injuries to their employees, or death caused thereby, under the provisions of the Workers’ Compensation Act, being KRS Chapter 342 and shall not include premiums received on policies of group health insurance provided for state employees under KRS 18A.225(2) and 18A.228 or, premiums received by any state employee benefit fund created pursuant to KRS Chapter 18A for the purpose of providing health benefits to state employees.
(Prior Code, § 114.03)
Every insurance company subject to the license fees imposed by this chapter shall annually, by March 31, furnish the city a written breakdown of all collections in the preceding calendar year for the following categories of insurance:
(A) Casualty;
(B) Automobile;
(C) Inland marine;
(D) Fire and allied perils;
(E) Health; and
(F) Life.
(Prior Code, § 114.05)