(A)   Site plan drawing necessary. All applications for a building or an occupancy permit in all zoning districts shall be accompanied by a site plan drawn to scale and dimensioned indicating the location of off-street parking and loading spaces in compliance with the requirements set forth in this section. The Zoning Administrator shall review proposed parking plans for compliance with ordinance requirements.
   (B)   General provisions.
      (1)   Floor area. The term “floor area” for the purpose of calculating the number of off-street parking spaces required shall be determined on the basis of the exterior floor area dimensions of the building, structure or use times the number of floors, minus 10%.
      (2)   Reduction of existing off-street parking space or lot area. Off-street parking spaces and loading spaces or lot area existing upon the effective date of this chapter shall not be reduced in number or size unless said number or size exceeds the requirements set forth herein for a similar new use.
      (3)   Non-conforming structures. Should a non-conforming structure or use be damaged or destroyed by fire, it may be re-established if elsewhere permitted in these zoning regulations; except that, in doing so, all off-street parking or loading space shall meet the requirements of this chapter.
      (4)   Change of use or occupancy of land. No change of use or occupancy of land already dedicated to a parking area, parking spaces or loading spaces shall be made, nor shall any sale of land, division or subdivision of land be made which reduces area necessary for parking, parking stalls or parking requirements below the minimum prescribed by these zoning regulations.
      (5)   Change of use or occupancy of buildings. No change of use or occupancy of any building or buildings including additions thereto requiring more parking area shall be permitted until there is furnished such additional parking spaces as required by these zoning regulations.
      (6)   Garage requirement. Every single-family dwelling unit hereafter erected shall be so located on the lot so that at least a two-car garage, either attached or detached can be located on said lot.
      (7)   Accessory residential use. Off-street parking facilities accessory to residential use shall be utilized solely for the parking of licensed and operable passenger automobiles; no more than one truck not to exceed gross capacity of 9,000 pounds; and recreational vehicles and equipment. Under no circumstances shall required parking facilities accessory to residential structures be used for the storage of commercial vehicles or equipment.
      (8)   Use of required parking area. Required accessory off-street parking spaces in any district shall not be utilized for open storage, sale or rental of goods, storage of inoperable vehicles as regulated by § 157.044 of this chapter, and/or storage of snow; except that, required parking areas may be used for certain outdoor sales, promotions, recycling units and the like if such uses are incidental to the principal use, infrequently held, last for no more than four days, and do not interfere with traffic flow. In all residential zoning districts non-profit organizations may engage in the outdoor sale of Christmas trees in said parking area, provided that such sales do not exceed 45 days, including time necessary to return sales area to normal conditions, and that a permit authorizing such sales is obtained from the Zoning Administrator.
   (C)   Calculating space.
      (1)   When determining the number of off-street parking spaces results in a fraction, each fraction of one-half or more shall constitute another space.
      (2)   In stadiums, sports arenas, churches and other places of public assembly in which patrons or spectators occupy benches, pews or other similar seating facilities, each 22 inches of such seating facilities shall be counted as one seat for the purpose of determining requirements.
      (3)   Should a structure contain two or more types of use, each use shall be calculated separately for determining the total off-street parking spaces required.
   (D)   Design standards.
      (1)   Parking space size. Each parking space shall be not less than nine feet wide and 20 feet in length exclusive of access aisles, and each space shall be served adequately by access aisles. Parallel parking spaces shall not be less than 22 feet in length.
      (2)   Within structures. The off-street parking requirements may be furnished by providing a space so designed within the principal building or one structure attached thereto; however, unless provisions are made, no building permit shall be issued to convert said parking structure into a dwelling unit or living area or other activity until other adequate provisions are made to comply with the required off-street parking provisions of this chapter.
      (3)   Circulation. Except in the case of single-, two-family and townhouse dwellings, parking areas shall be designed so that circulation between parking bays or aisles occurs within the designated parking lot and does not depend upon a public street or alley. Except in the case of single-, two-family and townhouse dwellings, parking area design which requires backing into the public street is prohibited.
      (4)   Compliance. Except in the case of single-family, two-family and townhouse dwellings, parking areas and their aisles shall be developed in compliance with the following standards:
Angles (Degrees)
Wall to Wall Minimum (2 rows)
Minimum Aisle Width
45.6 ft.
11 ft.
52.5 ft.
13 ft.
60.0 ft.
18 ft.
62.0 ft.
24 ft.
      (5)   Grade elevation. The grade elevation of any parking area shall not exceed 5% without approval of the City Engineer.
      (6)   Accesses. Except for single- and two-family dwellings and apartments of less than 12 units, all driveway accesses shall be approved by the City Engineer and City Planner but in no instances shall driveway accesses be located less than 40 feet from line intersection of two or more street rights-of-way. Driveways serving single- and two-family residences, townhouses and apartments of less than 12 units shall be no less than 30 feet. This distance shall be measured from the intersection of lot lines.
      (7)   Access width. No driveway access shall exceed 24 feet in width in “R-1”, “R-2”, “R-3”, “MH”, “R-4”, “R-5”, “R-6”, “R-B” and “B-1” Districts; except that, single-family driveway accesses leading directly to three stall or larger garages on lots with widths 100 feet or greater are permitted driveway access widths up to 32 feet upon review and approval of City Engineer and City Planner. No driveway access shall exceed 36 feet in width in “B-2”, “B-3”, “I-P”, “I-1” and “I-2” Districts.
      (8)   Side lot line. Driveways shall be a minimum one foot from the side lot line in residential districts, and three feet from the side yard lot line in business and industrial districts.
      (9)   Driveway access. All property shall be permitted at least one driveway access. Multiple driveway accesses may be permitted on lots with street frontage in excess of 100 feet in width upon approval of the City Engineer.
      (10)   Length. Driveway accesses on a public street, except for two-family and townhouse dwellings, shall not be less than 40 feet from one another when located on the same property.
      (11)   Surfacing. All areas intended to be utilized for parking space and driveways shall be surfaced with materials suitable to control dust and drainage. Except in the case of single-family and two-family dwellings, driveways and parking areas which have access onto a concrete or asphaltic surfaced street or public right-of-way shall be surfaced with asphalt or concrete. Plans for surfacing and drainage of driveways and stalls for five or more vehicles shall be submitted to the City Engineer for his or her review and the final drainage plan shall be subject to his or her written approval.
      (12)   Striping. In parking areas exceeding 12 spaces, stalls shall be marked with contrasting paint lines not less than four inches wide.
      (13)   Lighting. Any lighting used to illuminate an off-street parking area shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from adjoining property, abutting residential uses and public rights-of-way and be in compliance with § 157.073 of this chapter.
      (14)   Signs. No sign shall be so located as to restrict the sign lines and orderly operation and traffic movement within any parking lot. All signing must conform to Ch. 153 of this code of ordinances.
      (15)   Curbing. Except for single- and two-family dwellings and townhouses, all off-street parking within ten feet of the lot line shall have a continuous, permanent curb barrier constructed of concrete or asphalt around the entire parking area except that where parking area abuts alley, vehicles are parked parallel to alley and access to alley need not be restricted, required parking setbacks may be indicated by striping. Individual wheelstops butted together and spiked down shall not constitute permitted curbing under this provision. Said curbing shall not be closer than five feet from any lot line; except that, in the B-3 (CBD) Zoning District, said curbing shall not be closer than three feet from any lot line.
      (16)   Required screening. All open, non-residential off-street parking areas of five or more spaces shall be screened and landscaped from abutting or surrounding residential districts in compliance with § 157.070 of this chapter.
      (17)   Landscaping.
         (a)   All parking setback areas with a width of less than five feet shall consist of grass, plantings, decorative rock, bark chips, asphalt or concrete.
         (b)   All parking setback areas with a width of five feet or more and abutting public right-of-way shall have one tree planted for every 40 lineal feet of setback area in addition to grass, plantings, decorative rock or bark chips.
            1.   The minimum spacing between trees shall be 20 feet.
            2.   Tree planting requirements may be satisfied by planting trees in the boulevard upon submission of a plan and approval by the Shade Tree Commission.
            3.   Alternate landscaping including shrubs may be substituted for tree planting requirements upon submission of a plan and approval by the Planning Commission.
         (c)   For commercial off-street parking areas of 200 spaces or more, a minimum of ten square feet of interior landscaped islands is required for each space.
            1.   Each interior landscaped island shall have a minimum of one tree in addition to grass, plantings, decorative rock or bark chips.
            2.   The minimum dimensions of a landscaped interior island shall be five feet in width by five feet in length.
            3.   Such islands shall be disbursed and placed to assist traffic flow within the parking area.
         (d)   It is the responsibility of the property owner and/or tenant to ensure that landscaping and trees are maintained in good condition as to present a healthy, neat and orderly appearance.
            1.   Trees planted under this chapter must be cultivated nursery stock with straight trunks not less than six feet high, with a minimum one-inch caliper.
            2.   Trees and landscaping shall be designed and placed to prevent damage by vehicles.
            3.   Trees and landscaping shall be replaced if damaged or removed.
   (E)   Maintenance. It shall be the responsibility of the lessee and/or owner of the principal use, uses or building to maintain in a neat and adequate manner, the parking space, accessways, striping, landscaping and required fences.
   (F)   Location. All accessory off-street parking facilities required by this chapter shall be located and restricted as follows.
      (1)   Required accessory off-street parking shall be on the same lot under the same ownership as the principal use being served, except as provided for in divisions (H) and (I) below.
      (2)   Except for single-, two-family and townhouse dwellings, head-in parking, directly off of adjacent to the public street, with each stall having its own direct access to the public street, shall be prohibited.
      (3)   Except for single- and two-family housing and townhouses, required accessory off-street parking shall not be provided in front yards or in side yards abutting street right-of-way in “R-1”, “R-2”, R-3”, “R-4” and “R-5” Districts.
      (4)   In the case of single-family, two-family and townhouse dwellings, parking shall be prohibited in any portion of the front yard, except designated driveways leading directly into a garage or one open, surfaced space located on the side of a driveway, away from the principal use.
   (G)   Number of spaces required. The following minimum number of off-street parking spaces shall be provided and maintained by ownership, easement and/or lease for and during the life of the respective uses noted shall be determined by the Planning Commission.
      (1)   Residential.
         (a)   Single-family, two-family and townhouse units: two spaces per unit;
         (b)   Multiple-family dwelling: studio and one bedroom require one stall per unit and two bedroom and greater require a minimum of two stalls per unit; and
         (c)   Elderly (senior citizen) housing: reservation of area equal to one parking space per unit. Initial development is, however, required of only one-half space per unit and said number of spaces can continue until such time as the City Council considers a need for additional parking spaces has been demonstrated.
      (2)   Institutional and cultural.
         (a)   Church, theater, auditorium: at least one parking space for each four seats based on the design capacity of the main assembly hall. Facilities as may be provided in conjunction with such buildings or uses shall be subject to additional requirements which are imposed by this chapter;
         (b)   School elementary and junior high: at least one parking space for each classroom plus one additional space for each 50-student capacity;
         (c)   School, high school through college and private and day or church schools: at least one parking space for each seven students based on design capacity, plus one for each three classrooms;
         (d)   Boarding house, fraternity house, sorority house: at least two parking spaces for each three persons for whom accommodations are provided for sleeping;
         (e)   Community centers, physical culture studios, libraries, post office, private clubs, lodges, museums, art galleries: ten spaces, plus one for each 150 square feet in excess of 2,000 square feet of floor area in the principal structure;
         (f)   Baseball fields, stadiums: at least one parking space for each eight seats of design capacity;
         (g)   Public parks, playgrounds and play field: at least five parking spaces for each acre of park over one acre; two parking spaces per acre for playgrounds and ten spaces for each acre of play field. When a public recreation site has more than one use designation, the areas must be divided for determining the required parking spaces;
         (h)   Hospitals: two spaces per each bed;
         (i)   Sanitariums, convalescent home, rest home, nursing home or day nurseries: four spaces, plus one for each three beds for which accommodations are offered; and
         (j)   Adult day-care: two spaces for every five program participants.
      (3)   Business and commercial.
         (a)   Motels, motor hotels, hotels: one space per each rental unit, plus one space for each ten units and one space for each employee on any shift;
         (b)   Drive-in establishment and convenience food:
            1.   Drive-in only: at least one parking space for each 15 square feet of gross floor area, but not less than 15 spaces; and
            2.   Convenience food establishment with indoor seating: parking shall be provided at a rate of 30% of the buildings designated occupant load.
         (c)   Restaurants, cafés, private clubs serving food and/or drinks, bars, taverns, nightclubs: parking shall be provided at a rate of 30% of the buildings designated occupant load;
         (d)   Retail store and service establishment: at least one off-street parking space for each 300 square feet of floor area;
         (e)   Retail sales and service businesses with 50% or more of gross floor area devoted to storage, warehouses and/or industry: at least eight spaces or one space for each 200 square feet devoted to public sales or service, plus one space for each 500 square feet of storage area; or at least eight spaces or one space for each employee on the maximum shift, whichever is appropriate;
         (f)   Bowling alley: at least five parking spaces for each alley, plus additional spaces as may be required herein for related uses contained within the principal structure;
         (g)   Skating rink, dance hall or public auction house: 20 off-street parking spaces, plus one additional off-street parking space for each 200 square feet of floor space over 2,000 square feet;
         (h)   Golf driving range, miniature golf, archery range: ten off-street parking spaces, plus one for each 1,000 square feet of floor area;
         (i)   Motor fuel station: at least four off-street parking spaces, plus two off-street parking spaces for each service stall. Those facilities designed for sale of other items than strictly automotive products, parts or service shall be required to provide additional parking in compliance with other applicable sections of this chapter;
         (j)   Fuel pumps associated with other use: two spaces in addition to those required by other use;
         (k)   Auto repair: eight off-street parking spaces, plus one additional space for each 800 square feet of floor area over 1,000 square feet;
         (l)   Car wash (in addition to required magazining or stacking space):
            1.   Automatic drive through, serviced: a minimum of ten spaces or one space for each employee on the maximum shift, whichever is greater;
            2.   Self-service: a minimum of two spaces; and
            3.   Motor fuel station car wash: zero in addition to that required for the station.
         (m)   Motor bus terminal, taxi terminal: see “auto repair”;
         (n)   Boats and marine sales and repair: see “auto repair”;
         (o)   Building material sales in structure, garden supply store: see “auto repair”; and
         (p)   Undertaking establishments: at least 20 parking spaces for each chapel or parlor, plus one parking space for each funeral vehicle maintained on the premises. Aisle space shall also be provided off the street for making up a funeral procession.
      (4)   Offices. Office buildings, financial institutions, professional offices, medical and dental clinics: at least one off-street parking space for each 300 square feet of floor area.
      (5)   Industrial.
         (a)   Manufacturing, fabricating or processing of a product or material; warehouse, storage, handling of bulk goods: at least eight spaces, plus one space for each two employees on each shift based on maximum planned employment or at a minimum at least eight spaces, plus one space for each 500 square feet of floor area; and
         (b)   Bottling company: eight off-street parking spaces, plus one additional space for each 800 square feet of floor area over 1,000 square feet.
      (6)   B-3 (Central Business) District. All non-residential uses shall provide at least one parking space for each 500 square feet of floor area.
         (a)   Parking requirements for non-residential uses in the B-3 District may be reduced or waived as a conditional use, subject to the provisions and procedures of § 157.099 of this chapter; and, provided that:
            1.   The applicant demonstrates that proposal will not adversely affect the existing parking situation in the immediate area;
            2.   Excess parking capacity on and off-street exists and that long-term parking needs will be accommodated; or
            3.   Time of peak parking demand differs from that of surrounding businesses and land uses or that parking requirements will be reduced through an organized carpooling program or other similar efforts.
         (b)   The applicant shall use parking surveys and accepted parking standards and data as a basis for assessing the parking impact of the proposal.
   (H)   Joint parking facility.
      (1)   The City Council may, after receiving a report and recommendation from the Planning Commission, approve a conditional use permit for one or more businesses to provide the required off-street parking facilities by joint use of one or more sites where the total number of spaces provided are less than the sum of the total required for each business, should they provide them separately.
      (2)   When considering a request for such a permit, the Planning Commission shall not recommend that such permit be granted nor the Council approve such a permit, except when the following conditions are found to exist:
         (a)   The building or use for which application is being made to utilize the off-street parking facilities provided by other building or use shall be located within 300 feet of such parking facilities;
         (b)   The applicant shall show that there is no substantial conflict in the principal operating hours of the two buildings or uses for which joint use of off-street parking facilities is proposed; and
         (c)   A properly drawn legal instrument, executed by the parties concerned for joint use of off-street parking facilities, duly approved as to form and manner of execution by the City Attorney, shall be filed with the City Clerk-Treasurer and recorded with the County Auditor.
   (I)   Off-site parking.
      (1)   Any off-site parking which is used to meet the requirements of this chapter shall be a conditional use as regulated by § 157.099 of this chapter.
         (a)   Such off-site parking shall comply with all parking standards stated in this chapter.
         (b)   Reasonable access from off-site parking facilities to the use served shall be provided.
      (2)   Any use which depends on off-site parking to meet the requirements of this chapter shall maintain the minimum number of required parking spaces or cease operation and use until such time as there is full compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
      (3)   Wherever required parking facilities are on a lot or parcel of land other than the principal building which is to be served, a properly drawn legal instrument, executed by the parties concerned, duly approved as to form and manner of execution by the City Attorney, shall be filed with the City Clerk-Treasurer.
      (4)   Any use which depends upon off-site parking to meet the requirements of this chapter shall require a certificate of occupancy, renewable annually, as regulated in § 157.102 of this chapter.
(Ord. 827, passed 4-19-1983; Ord. 1061, passed 6-16-1992; Ord. 1083, passed 12-7-1993; Ord. 1113, passed 5-16-1996; Ord. 1132, passed 2-20-1996; Ord. 1156, passed 1-7-1997; Ord. 1160, passed 4-15-1997; Ord. 1491, passed 1-8-2013; Ord. 1501, passed 6-4-2013; Ord. 1557, passed 3-7-2017) Penalty, see § 157.999