§ 155.053 LOTS.
   (A)   Location. All lots shall abut by their full frontage on a publicly dedicated street or a street that has received legal status as such; except that, lots may front on private drives that are approved as part of a planned unit development.
   (B)   Size. The lot dimensions in subdivision shall not be less than the minimum dimensions required to secure the minimum lot area specified in Ord. 827.
   (C)   Corner lots. Corner lots shall be platted at least ten feet wider than the minimum requirements specified in Ord. 827.
   (D)   Butt lots. Butt lots shall be platted at least five feet wider than the average width of interior lots in the block.
   (E)   Side lot lines. Side lines of lots shall be substantially at right angles to the street line.
   (F)   Watercourses. Lots abutting upon a watercourse, drainage way, channel or stream shall have an additional depth or width, as required, to assure house sites that are not subject to flooding.
   (G)   Natural features. In the subdividing of any land, due regard shall be shown for all natural features such as tree growth, wetlands, watercourses, historic spots or similar conditions which, if preserved, will add attractiveness and stability to the proposed development.
   (H)   Lot remnants.
      (1)   All remnants of lots below minimum size left over after the subdividing of a larger tract must be added to adjacent lots, or if included on the plat as outlots, a plan shown indicating future use or disposition must be submitted and approved by the city.
      (2)   The city may condition approval of any such outlots upon the creation of covenants, deed restrictions or other mechanism which will ensure that these parcels are used or conveyed as intended.
      (3)   Lot remnants shall not be allowed to remain as unusable parcels.
   (I)   Lots along arterials. Except in those cases where there are extenuating circumstances, residential lots shall not directly front on arterials. Such lots permitted to front on arterials may be subject to certain restrictions including, but not limited to, increased front yard building setbacks and turn around areas.
   (J)   Minimized access. Individual lot access should be minimized and provided on intersecting local streets where possible. The number of lots fronting a collector street should be kept to a minimum.
   (K)   Residential lot depth. Residential lots contiguous to railroad right-of-ways shall be a minimum of 135 feet in depth.
(1992 Code, § 315:18) (Ord. 1069, passed 3-2-1993)