(A) The floodplain designation on the Official Floodplain Zoning Map shall not be removed from floodplain areas unless it can be shown that the designation is in error or that the area has been filled to or above the elevation of the regulatory flood protection elevation and is contiguous to lands outside the floodplain. Special exceptions to this rule may be permitted by the Commissioner of Natural Resources if he or she determines that, through other measures, lands are adequately protected for the intended use.
(B) All amendments to this chapter, including amendments to the Official Floodplain Zoning Map, must be submitted to and approved by the Commissioner of Natural Resources prior to adoption. Changes in the Official Floodplain Zoning Map must meet the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) technical conditions and criteria and must receive prior FEMA approval before adoption. The Commissioner of Natural Resources must be given ten days’ written notice of all hearings to consider an amendment to this chapter and said notice shall include a draft of the chapter amendment or technical study under consideration.
(Ord. 1475, passed 11-1-2011)