§ 113.054 LICENSE FEES.
   (A)   Fees. The annual fee for a liquor license for an “on-sale” license, and for a special license for Sunday sales and for dance permit shall be in the amounts duly established from time to time by the City Council.
   (B)   Payment. Each application for a license shall be accompanied by a receipt from the City Clerk- Treasurer for payment of the prescribed license fee. All fees shall be paid into the General Fund. If an application for a license is rejected, the Clerk-Treasurer shall refund the amount paid.
   (C)   Term; pro rata fee. Each license shall be issued for a period of one year; except that, if an initial application is made during the license year, a license may be issued for the remainder of the year for a pro rata fee of $200 per month, plus an administrative fee of $100; any fraction of a month is counted as one month. Every license shall expire on June 30.
   (D)   Refunds. Refunds of license fees may be made to licensees of record, according to the following formula: of the amount paid in, $100 shall be retained to cover the costs of administration and processing. The balance shall be refunded at the rate of $200 per each full month that the license is not used. At the time of surrender of the license, the residual balance may be remitted to the surrendering licensee upon application to the City Clerk-Treasurer and approval by the City Council.
   (E)   Investigation fee. At the time of initial application for an “on-sale” license or special license for Sunday sales, or upon application for a transfer of an existing license, the applicant shall pay to the city an investigation fee of an amount to be set by the Council from time to time, which is not refundable in whole or in part. An investigation fee is not required for renewals for the same applicant unless an investigation is deemed necessary by the Council.
(1992 Code, § 806:15) (Ord. 1100, passed 12-6-1994)