(A)   Prohibited emissions. The emission of dense smoke or any smoke containing soot, ashes, cinders, dust or other solid substance, or pungent, noxious or disagreeable odors, in a sufficient quantity to permit the deposit of soot or other such substance therein, within the corporate limits of the city, or which smoke is dense enough to form a cloud which cannot be seen through, from any smokestack, chimney or discharge pipe from any furnace, stove, locomotive, stationary engine or other burning device within the said limits and territory, shall be deemed and is hereby declared a public nuisance and is hereby prohibited.
(1992 Code, § 1055:00)
   (B)   Violation. No person owning, operating or in charge or control of any furnace, stove, locomotive, stationary engine or other burning device shall cause or permit the emission of smoke therefrom, as described in division (A) above. Any person violating this section shall be deemed and held guilty of creating a nuisance and committing a petty offense.
(1992 Code, § 1055:10)
Penalty, see § 93.999