§ 92.01 RATES.
   The following rates are established as the reasonable costs to the town and the basis for any billing for reimbursement:
   (A)   The rates are established as the reasonable costs to the town and the basis for any billing for reimbursement and are set forth in § 10.98.
   (B)   The town shall bill the property owner, citizen, or creator of the above expenses, at the above rates, upon the completion of the task. Costs of collection may be added if incurred and a lien may be placed upon the property involved if prompt payment is not made.
   (C)   The Town Council or designated officers may, under certain extraordinary circumstances, authorize the compromising or settlement of delinquent accounts.
(Ord. 2005-13, passed 11-7-2005; Ord. 2015-0602, passed 6-2-2015; Ord. 2019-0319A, passed 3-19-2019)