§ 30.01 HOME RULE.
   The express and implied powers included in I.C. 36-1-4-2 through 36-1-4-17 and any incidental powers necessary thereto may be exercised by the town through its Town Council as follows.
   (A)   If there is a constitutional or statutory provision requiring a specific manner for exercising a power, the town, by its Town Council, must do so in that manner.
   (B)   (1)   If there is no constitutional or statutory provision requiring a specific manner for exercising a power, the town, by its Town Council, must:
         (a)   Comply with a statutory provision permitting a specific manner for exercising the power; or
         (b)   Exercise the power upon presentation of a proper motion, followed by a second and finalized by a vote thereon by the Town Council.
      (2)   Documents such as contracts, notes, deeds, and instruments must be approved by the Town Council, and the presiding and executive officer must be authorized to execute the same prior to execution thereof. All as done by presentation of a proper motion, followed by a second and finalized by a vote thereon by the Town Council.
(Ord. 1993-1, passed 1-19-1993)