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The A Agricultural District is established for the purpose of providing areas for the furtherance of agricultural pursuits. The intent of this district is to retain areas of land for agricultural uses exclusively.
1.   Permitted Uses. The following uses and structures, and no others, are permitted in the A District.
   A.   All agricultural uses including farm dwellings and accessory buildings, but not including confinement feeding or other concentrated feedlot activities within 1,320 feet of an R or B District.
   B.   Public parks, playgrounds, and recreation areas, and related buildings operated by a public agency.
   C.   Schools, public and private.
   D.   Churches or similar places of worship.
   E.   Non-farm single family detached dwellings in lots of two acres or more.
2.   Conditional Uses. The following uses and structures shall be permitted when authorized by the Board of Adjustment.
   A.   Commercial feedlots when located within 1,320 feet of an R or B District.
   B.   Sanitary landfills, in accordance with county and state regulations, except that no sanitary landfill shall be operated within 1,320 feet of any R District.
   C.   Privately operated country clubs, golf courses, swimming clubs, riding stable, and similar recreation uses provided that any principal accessory building in connection therein shall be located not less than 200 feet from any lot in an R District.
   D.   Airports and commercial heliports.
   E.   Campgrounds and trailer parks.
   F.   Mobile home parks.
   G.   Public utility and service uses, including but not limited to electric sub-stations, gas regulator stations, radio and television transmitting towers.
   H.   Sewage treatment plants and lagoons.
   I.   Telephone transmission equipment buildings.
   J.   Commercial greenhouses or nurseries.
   K.   Plants processing agricultural products produced on the premises provided that no principal or accessory building is located within 1,320 feet of an R or B District.
   L.   Philanthropic and charitable institutions.
   M.   Filtration plants.
   N.   Railroad rights-of-way.
   O.   Water reservoirs.
   P.   Sand, gravel and rock quarries.
   Q.   All other uses of a similar character as may be determined by the Board of Adjustment.
3.   Accessory Uses. Accessory uses incidental to and on the same zoning lot as the principal use.
   A.   Buildings, structures, and uses accessory to agricultural uses including roadside stands, selling produce grown on the premises, provided such roadside stands are located not less than 20 feet from a street or highway right-of-way line.
   B.   Home occupations as provided for in Section 167.06 of this Ordinance.
   C.   Private garages or parking areas.
   D.   Living quarters of persons employed on the premises.
   E.   Private (non-commercial) stables.
   F.   Temporary structures incidental to construction work, only for the period of such work as permitted in Section 167.02.
4.   Lot Size. Except as otherwise provided in Section 167.07 of this Ordinance, no building shall be erected or altered on a lot which makes provisions for less than the following:
   A.   Lot Area: two acres (87,120 square feet)
   B.   Lot Width: 200 feet
   C.   Lot Depth: None
5.   Yard Requirements. Except as otherwise provided in Section 167.07 of this Ordinance, the following minimum shall apply:
   A.   Front Yard
      (1)   Along State and Federal Highways - 80 feet
      (2)   Other Public Roads - 60 feet
   B.   Side Yard - 30 feet
   C.   Rear Yard - 100 feet
6.   Height Regulations. Except as otherwise provided in Section 167.07 of this Ordinance, the following maximum height shall apply: 35 feet.
7.   Parking Regulations.
   A.   Farming Activities: None
   B.   All other uses shall conform with the requirements of Section 167.04.
8.   Sign Regulations. All uses shall conform with the requirements of Section 167.03 of this Ordinance.
9.   Supplemental Development Standards. See Section 167.05.
10.   Exceptions and Modifications. See Section 167.07.